Business calls for return of MIAA top execs

It is rare for the leading business organizations of the country to openly and vigorously support public officials that they believe have been wrongly treated. However, this past week, this is actually what happened.

As of this writing, there are already two manifestos regarding recent events about the action of the ombudsman on the two top officials of the Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA).

The first manifesto was released by the following business organizations: Brotherhood of Christian Businessmen & Professionals (BCBP); Federation of Filipino Chinese Chambers of Commerce & Industry, Inc. (FFCCCII); Financial Executives Institute of the Philippines (FINEX); IT & Business Process Association of the Philippines (IBPAP);  Integrity Initiative Inc. (II Inc.); Justice Reform Initiative (JRI);  Makati Business Club (MBC); Philippine Hotel Owners Association; the Semiconductor and Electronics Industries in the Philippines Foundation, Inc (SEIPI). Their statement reads:

“25 August 2023 – We, the undersigned business organizations, express our support for Transportation Sec. Jaime Bautista, Cesar Chiong and Irene Montalbo amid the Ombudsman’s order to dismiss Mr. Chiong and Ms. Montalbo as the top executives of the Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA).

“Mr. Chiong and Ms. Montalbo have exhibited exemplary work as managers of the airport. Making substantial positive changes that have helped result, amongst much else, in the collection of long-outstanding receivables that have helped achieve a robust cash balance of P15 billion. Moreover, they reported an impressive income of P1.9 billion in 2022, a striking turnaround from the combined losses of P3.6 billion suffered in 2020 and 2021. They have implemented the mission entrusted to them by President Marcos to improve the national international airport and upgrade it to global standards.

“Mr. Chiong has stated that he exercised his management prerogative to streamline operations, reduce losses and improve finances. Rotation of key personnel is a routine vital internal control procedure of management that is applied to improve efficiency and ensure integrity. And has been done in the past without any problem.

“Dismissing Mr. Chiong and Ms. Montalbo for implementing what is a normal management practice may discourage other officials from employing this important tool to improve efficiency and fight corruption. It may send the wrong message that instituting reforms in government is hazardous to one’s career.

“While we recognize the authority and ruling of the Ombudsman, we believe he may have been misinformed in taking this action. We would welcome and support a review by the Ombudsman, to reverse this decision and reinstate Chiong and Montalbo in their positions as general manager and assistant general manager. Doing so would keep MIAA on track to better management and the improved services and experience that passengers demand. Doing so would help boost the economy in general, tourism in particular and jobs most of all.

“So, we appeal to the Ombudsman, please reverse this decision.”

Another prominent business organization decided not to issue an official statement.  However, a group of members totaling 110 as of this writing have decided to issue their own collective statement “of deep concern and alarm” over the dismissal of the MIAA managers.

Here are excerpts from this collective manifesto:

“We express our support … and alarm over the unusual speed, a record by all accounts, at which an anonymous complaint filed against MIAA general manager Cesar Chiong and his deputy, Irene Montalbo, was acted upon by the Office of the Ombudsman, who initially promptly suspended Mr. Chiong and Ms. Montalbo for 6 months and then ordered their dismissal from the service forthright even before the suspension period expired.

“This very unusual and surprising speedy treatment of the … anonymous complaint is in stark contrast to the snail’s pace which other recent multi-billion, high-profile, graft and corruption cases moved.

“The record shows that, in the exercise of their mandate, Mr. Chiong and Ms. Montalbo applied sound management discretion to achieve operational efficiencies at the Philippine international airports. They reassigned 201 personnel, who, by the way, were never prejudiced, as they were not demoted in rank nor did they incur any diminution in their pay. More importantly, the reassignment of such personnel was supported by the favorable endorsement of their respective direct superiors or supervisors. Two previous MIAA general managers – Jose Angel Honrado and Eddie Monreal – also reassigned 646 and 397 personnel, respectively, during their watch in order to achieve efficiencies at our international airports, but they were never accused of misdoings nor were they ever suspended nor dismissed for doing so.

“Why were Mr. Chiong and Ms. Montalbo singled out for extreme punishment when there are clear precedents of similar reassignment of airport personnel?

“The Ombudsman said the acts of the dismissed airport officials constituted ‘abuse of discretion’ and were ‘prejudicial to the service.’ Yet, 800 rank and file airport personnel disagree with the Ombudsman. These employees declared in a public Manifesto that ‘only now have they experienced transparent and honest management in the agency.’

… “Government managers are expected to adopt best practices for the betterment of public service. If they are not allowed to exercise their sound discretion, how could they deliver efficient service and good governance? If they are punished for performing their duties and responsibilities, would this not send a chilling effect and discourage emulation of worthy deeds?

“While we recognize the authority of the Ombudsman, we encourage and welcome a review of the dismissal of Mr. Chiong and Ms. Montalbo, which would hopefully enable their reinstatement. This would allow the MIAA to remain on track in terms of improved public services, and it would contribute to the country’s growth and progress.”

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