

EDITORIAL - EDSA 38 years on

The Freeman
EDITORIAL - EDSA 38 years on

In our editorial a year ago we speculated on how the EDSA People Power Revolution would be celebrated under the presidency of a man whose dictator father was toppled from power by the same revolution.

Until this day is done we are not sure if there are even going to be any activities, protest actions, reenactments and the sort, after the celebration of the holiday was moved a day earlier.

However, over the years we have seen fewer and fewer people commemorating in public what happened in EDSA. Perhaps many still remember but are just too busy with their lives.

Even as more and more young people become unaware of the EDSA events, and more and more students fall prey to the false narratives of history, and more and more incidents of the past are being sugarcoated, let us still not forget that the EDSA Revolution can be boasted of as one of the best things Filipinos had ever accomplished.

The only alternative to EDSA would have been a bloodbath. Thirty seven years ago we were sitting on a political powder keg. A group of former Marcos Sr. followers were already discontent and poised to overthrow the dictatorial government, and that government was more than willing to keep its power by whatever means necessary.

It seemed there was no way to stop what would become a bloody civil war. Both camps had enough firepower and manpower to wage a war that would have seen no winners or losers, but only victims.

However, the matter was settled and the violence avoided after the public, heeding the call of Church leaders, took to the streets and chanted for the dictator’s downfall.

The movement became too big to slow down. The rest, as they say, is history.

There are very few cases where a dictator who has been in power for over 20 years, who had the army at his beck and call, and who practically held all the cards, was ousted from power peacefully.

Many of those who took part in it saw it as one of the proudest moment in their lives.

Of course, with the return of the Marcoses to power over 30 years later, one wonders if Filipinos are forgetful or just that forgiving. We would like to think the latter.

Because we would rather think that Filipinos are willing to forgive and move on, and are not prone to forget the past and then repeat the mistakes they made before.

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