

No words, Atty. Rex

BAR NONE - Atty. Ian Vincent Manticajon - The Freeman

It’s hard to write about the violent death of a lawyer when that lawyer was your boss, mentor, and comrade from the time you started your law practice until the time of his killing.

As of this writing, I am about to prepare for a virtual meeting with fellow lawyers and staff at the Fernandez and Associates. I don’t know what else will transpire during our online meeting aside from a discussion of the immediate arrangements in honoring our slain founding partner, Atty. Rex Jesus Mario Aliño Fernandez.

The incident yesterday is still too raw and shocking for us to talk about the future of the law office without Atty. Rex. When someone this close to you dies suddenly, and violently as Atty. Rex has, the impact leaves you with no suitable words to say.

I apologize to media friends who asked for an interview or more details about Atty. Rex. Only good memories of him flood my brain right now that I could become incoherent if I try to speak about his killing.

In this column, allow me to devote the rest of the space quoting the statements from the legal community about the killing of Atty. Rex.

“No words, indeed,” says the National Union of Peoples’ Lawyers (NUPL). “Another colleague has fallen with his boots on. We had lost count. It has not stopped and every lawyer is a sitting duck. Rex was a founding member of NUPL in 2007. He was also Karapatan counsel for years.”

“He was passionate, intense and brave, even as he was unique in many ways. He handled many an amparo cases of activists when it was a promising remedy then. Even after he became inactive in NUPL later, he continued to collaborate with fellow human rights lawyers in public interest cases.”

“Before he was silenced, he castigated the present administration which he had hitherto placed his sincere hope on would bring change. He died disillusioned that it was not meant to be. Rest in peace already Rex. You fought a good fight.”

From the Integrated Bar of the Philippines Cebu Chapter: “The IBP Cebu denounces the killing of our member, Atty. Rex Fernandez, who was gunned down by an unknown assailant today (August 26). The entire legal community cries in anger at this ruthless murder which brings immeasurable horror to the family, friends, and colleagues of Atty. Fernandez.”

“An attack on our brother-lawyer for case-related motives is an attack on the justice system and the rule of law we promised to protect. We, therefore, urge the law enforcement authorities to investigate this case promptly; otherwise, if no definitive resolution is made, the threats and deadly assault on lawyers will persist with impunity.”

From the Supreme Court through Associate Justice Marvic M.V.F. Leonen who chairs its Committee on Human Rights: “On behalf of the Judiciary Committee on Human Rights, we extend our condolences to the family and friends of Atty. Rex Jesus Mario Fernandez.”


“The killing of any lawyer is of serious concern to all of us. Violence solves nothing. It is anathema to the rule of law.”

“This much was said by the Court En Banc in its extraordinary statement last March. Even as we continue to sift through and analyze the voluminous records and reports submitted to us upon our call to discern whether there are patterns in the killing of lawyers and threats to judges so that we can evaluate a strategic response, we will welcome new reports to be submitted by the police and by other organizations on the latest incident in Cebu.”

To Atty. Rex, you had always entrusted me as wordsmith in some of your most important works. I’m sorry that it’s a struggle right now to forge the most fitting words about your death and your life as a comrade in the profession.

I just would like to thank you for taking me in as an apprentice when I felt I needed to hone my Remedial Law knowledge and skills a year before taking the Bar exams in 2009. I had to learn it from the one who got a 100% rating in the Bar exam for Remedial Law, and a fierce yet down-to-earth lawyer for the downtrodden.

Your passion for the cause of your clients and your big heart for the poor and the oppressed are what I respect most about you.

No further words, Atty. Rex. I’m still shaken by your sudden and tragic parting from us.

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