Unwavering faith

We have often been told at some point in our lives to always keep the faith. Having faith is easier said than done, but only as I grew older did I begin to understand how important it is to anchor one’s self on something that is neither felt nor seen but is deeply rooted on purpose. We all think that our purpose depends fully on what we achieve in the course of our lives and little do we comprehend that many of these things can be taken away from us in a flash or when we least expect it.

All things, as they say, happen for a reason and whatever the reason may be, we will never totally understand if we do not include faith in the process. In times of hardship, faith keeps us humble by always remembering that there is something bigger than us that is in control. It is never easy to surrender and having faith is all about this. Everything in divine order, as my mother always says, and only at 45 years old am I beginning to understand what she means.

Some say that this pandemic is a test and perhaps, the biggest lesson we can gain from this “test” is acknowledging how things are purposely confronting us all with the hope that whatever we are facing will be used for the good. There is so much conflict amongst us here and all over the world. We are faced with a tremendous amount of confusion daily and we battle with keeping our balance.

Our days are filled with worry due to the uncertainty which surrounds us but, despite all this, I am learning that it takes only a moment to reflect and re-focus on what anchors us. Surely we are understanding that material things will not complete us and even more so do we understand that good health is wealth.

However, if there is one thing missing in the ingredients for a meaningful life,  it is certainly found in the strength of our faith. It is here that we begin to understand our purpose and what humanity is truly all about. Our duty therefore is to one another. Only by doing so will we begin to understand what it means to live a full life. By trusting that something greater, even if we don’t see it, will bring us to where we ought to be according to divine order takes faith, and only by doing so can any of us overcome.

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