On MCWD's new-tiered discount scheme effective January 1, 2014

MCWD's Dec. 30, 2013 ad which appeared in the local newspapers completely wipes out the small five-percent prompt payment discount enjoyed by the poor and low water consumption consumers. Why? How can the poor ever consume 52 cubic meters of water a month which is equivalent to about over 2,000 kerosene cans? Only the rich and water-consuming companies can.

I remember in the previous years the prompt paying discount was 10 percent, then reduced to five percent, and now zero percent to those consuming less than 51 cubic meters of water.

Maybe MCWD's study and analysis revealed more consumers are in the below 51 cubic meters.

Would the Cebu City Council look into this? Prices are rising on almost all commodities, now this.

An unhappy new year greets us, we the below 51.


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