Two commercial sex workers figure in fistfight over a customer

SHAMEFUL. Two young women fought over a foreigner (Caucasian) on Sanciangco St. corner Osmeña Blvd. one early dawn last week. It started when one girl tried to grab the man from the other girl who was holding hands with the foreigner. “Nagsumbagay ang duha ka inday,” said an Ear informer. “Hangtud nipundok ang daghang tawo … Wa lang hibaw-i nawa ang langyaw, nisibat. Nahadlok tingali ma-involved to sa away.” One observer said: “Haay, shameful, shameful!”

SAME INCIDENT. About two years ago, a similar shameful incident took place on the same spot. Two women also fought over a man whom one of the girls had already “contracted.” In that incident, the man (also white) did not flee but tried to fix the issue. When everything had been settled, the man found his wrist watch gone and also his wallet.

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