MEME: Sending good vibes after a widespread brownout

Photo from twitter/ @johnelcidluza

MANILA, Philippines – We all know how difficult it is to deal with power outage. The modern society has been dependent with electricity that it is almost unattainable for us to withstand a day without it. Despite the irritating, unfortunate, and widespread brownout, let us all be positive for the nation’s recovery by establishing good vibrations through memes.

According to Oxford dictionaries, a meme is an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation. It is a humorous image, video, piece of text, etc. that is copied (often with slight variations) and spread rapidly by Internet users. It is from the Greek word mim?ma 'that which is imitated', on the pattern of gene.

Straighten up the curves on your forehead and let us all kindle a spark of happiness with these top Glenda/Brownout Memes:


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