

Misamis Occidental governor slay try: Persons of interests identified

Emmanuel Tupas - The Philippine Star
Misamis Occidental governor slay try: Persons of interests identified
Henry Oaminal.
Facebook / Deputy Speaker Henry Oaminal

MANILA, Philippines — Police have identified persons of interest in the assassination attempt on Misamis Occidental Gov. Henry Oaminal last week.

Col. Jean Fajardo, Philippine National Police (PNP) spokesperson, did not identify the personalities or group behind the attack so as not to jeopardize the investigation.

In a phone interview, Fajardo said a vehicle was spotted in Barangay Lapasan in Clarin town shortly before an improvised explosive device (IED) went off as Oaminal’s convoy passed by on Oct. 15.

Oaminal was on his way home to Ozamiz City from a meeting at a hotel when the bomb exploded. The governor and his security escorts were unhurt.

Fajardo said the IED had traces of ammonium nitrate, with a cell phone as a remote trigger, citing the initial results of the reconstruction of the explosive.

Probers are not discounting the possibility that the attack was politically motivated.

Police have beefed up security in areas frequented by Oaminal following the incident.

Fajardo said checkpoint operations have been intensified.

The Northern Mindanao police mobilized its units in Misamis Occidental following the bomb attack.

PNP chief Gen. Benjamin Acorda Jr. ordered police commanders to coordinate with local chief executives in their areas of responsibility, who may have similar security threats.

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