Cops secure areas affected by Taal eruption

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippine National Police (PNP) has deployed at least 80 police officers in areas in Batangas affected by the eruption of Taal Volcano on Saturday.

The officers are equipped with necessary gear for search, rescue and retrieval operations including rubber boats, life vests, hand-held radios and a generator set.

The PNP activated its Reaction Standby Support Force composed of 490 police officers, who are ready to support local government units in carrying out disaster response operations.

Batangas police chief Glicero Cansilao said all their forces in the province were placed under full alert to ensure that all personnel are available and ready for deployment in case of emergency.

“Everyone living near the immediate danger zone of the volcano were told to comply with the advice of the authorities,” Cansilao said.

Authorities banned all activities in the lake surrounding the volcano.

Aircraft were warned to stay away due to the possibility of a sudden eruption.

At least 1,018 families or 3,813 people are sheltered in 13 evacuation centers in the towns of Agoncillo, Balete and Laurel.

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