'Take no chances': RT-PCR tests a must for bet collectors in Cagayan town

This January 20, 2021 photo from the Cagayan Provincial Information Office shows provincial health workers conducting RT-PCR testing in Cagayan province.
Cagayan Provincial Information Office/Francis Jorque

BAGUIO CITY, Philippines — The mayor of Allacapan, Cagayan is requiring all bet collectors and agents of Small Town Lottery and other games of chance operating in his town to undergo RT-PCR testing.

Mayor Harry Florida gave the orders following reports that two bet collectors of the "Peryahan ng Bayan" purportedly operated by Globaltech Mobile Gaming Corp. tested positive for COVID-19.

Contact tracing immediately began the other day to determine who had been in contact with the two bet collectors in the past days. 

Florida also earlier asked the manager of the Small Town Lottery operation in the area to require employees and bet collectors to undergo mandatory RT-PCR testing. This, after the mayor also received a report that an STL bet collector tested positive for COVID-19 and later died.

The PCSO Cagayan earlier disowned reports of operations of "Peryahan ng Bayan" and STL while Enhanced Community Quarantine was imposed on Tuguegarao City and on some Cagayan towns.

Florida appealed to the management of the STL and "Peryahan ng Bayan" to temporarily stop operations, saying collectors may be helping the virus spread.

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