COVID-19 vaccination fixers nabbed in Pasig

Senior citizens with comorbidity and frontliners line up at Pinyahan Elementary School in Quezon City during the continuation of inoculation of Sinovac vaccine on April, 14, 2021.
The STAR/Michael Varcas, file

MANILA, Philippines — Two fixers rigging the appointment system of Pasig City’s COVID-19 vaccination program have been apprehended by authorities.

During a public address yesterday, Mayor Vico Sotto said the suspects demanded money from residents who want to jump the line to get vaccinated.

“We have filed a complaint against the suspects. Good luck to them,” Sotto said.

He believes that more people could be rigging COVID-19 vaccination appointments.

“We will not allow this. People have been waiting for so long for their schedule to get vaccinated and then you’re going to help others cut in line and earn from it? That’s unacceptable,” Sotto said.

The city government has vaccinated 150,000 residents and workers in Pasig. Of the number, about 50,000 have received their second dose of COVID-19 vaccine.

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