Probe on sex for food in Laguna relocation site sought

MANILA, Philippines - A Church official on Wednesday urged the government to look into alleged incidents of the so-called "sex for food" racket in a resettlement area  in Laguna.

Father Anton Pascual, executive director of Caritas Manila, said the issue of sex for food is immoral.

“Sex for food is immoral, to eat decently is a basic right of everybody kaya dapat society must provide for that right. Catholic Social Teaching reminds us of universal destination of goods," Pascual told Radyo Veritas.

The prelate said it is the duty of the government to ensure that informal settlers could land a decent job and living amenities at these relocation areas before they are evicted.

"Resettled urban poor families need social preparation and economic opportunity before being uprooted in Metro Manila. The issue is still economics that’s why they migrate in urban areas and cramps in unjust and inhumane condition. An integrated development approach is needed by government with participation from private sector and civil society," Pascual added.

Reports said that residents of a resettlement site in Calauan, Laguna have been engaging in prostitution in exchange for P100 to P150  to buy food for their families.

The resettlement site consists of 6,000 families displaced by typhoon Ondoy, clearing of various waterways in Manila, Cavite, and Laguna. 

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