CBCP saddened by Masbate priest's gubernatorial bid

MANILA, Philippines - Saying Catholic priests should never run for public office, Catholic church leaders were saddened by the decision of Fr. Leo Casas to run for governor in Masbate.

Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines-Episcopal Commission on Canon Law chairman Tagbilaran Bishop Leonardo Medroso told the Church-run Radio Veritas that Casas would be suspended from priesthood if he insists on running for public office.

“That is clerically and categorically forbidden by the Church law, that no priest may accept an office that includes the exercise of civil power,” Lingayen-Dagupan emeritus Archbishop Oscar Cruz added.

Cruz advised Casas to leave the priesthood and seek a dispensation from his clerical obligation. 

Casas told Radio Veritas he would accept the sanction as a result of his decision to seek public office.

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