Trader seriously hurt in ambush

CAMP VICENT E LIM, Laguna , Philippines  – A 60-year-old businessman was seriously wounded, while one of the four gunmen was killed when the car he was riding was sprayed with bullets by two men riding in tandem in what was believed to be an ambush at Colago Avenue, San Pablo City, Laguna, early morning Sunday, police said.

Trader Dante Liway, of Barangay San Benito Alaminos, sustained bullet wound at the back of his neck and he is now recuperating in San Pablo Hospital. His car, a Volkswagen Beetle (DAX 429), bore bullet holes and was towed to the crime laboratory for examination.

One of the assassins of Liway identified as Joel Tabanao was possibly hit by a stray bullet from his companions and sustained gunshot wounds on his stomach. Tabanao was positively identified through his driver’s license which was left at the crime scene by his cohorts during the ambush.

Police recovered from the crime site two spent shells of a .9mm caliber pistol and three deformed slugs of unknown caliber.

Investigation showed that the ambush took place at around 4 a.m. on Sunday. The victim was on his way home when he was blocked by four unidentified men believed to be members of a gun-for-hire syndicate.

Police said the suspects believed they have already killed their target, leaving Liway inside his car and left their wounded cohorts when they sensed the coming of responding policemen from San Pablo City. Motive of the ambush was not yet established.       – Ed Amoroso

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