Cebu board tackles ID plan

CEBU — While the proposed national identification system is facing rough sailing, the Cebu provincial board is tackling a proposed ordinance for a provincial ID system on first reading today.

Under the proposed measure, a Provincial Statistics Commission will be created to outline the procedures for the provincial ID system for Cebu residents, including foreign nationals.

The move is aimed at getting rid of bureaucratic red tape and simplifying government transactions as well as beefing up efforts against criminality.

As proposed, a Cebu resident, upon registration, is provided with a reference number, replacing all other existing reference numbers for taxation, social security, other licenses and voter’s ID, among others.

The parents of a newborn are obliged to apply for an identification card upon issuance of the certificate of live birth.

Locals have to renew their provincial ID cards every five years, and foreigners, annually.

The proposed ordinance does not state if the provincial ID card will include the holder’s criminal record, if any.

The measure earmarks P15 million for the initial operation of the provincial ID system. — Freeman News Service

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