Cops eye syndicate in burglary at Iran envoy's house

MANILA, Philippines - The break-in at the Forbes Park residence of Iranian Ambassador Ali Ashgar Mohammadi last Saturday could be the work of a syndicate whose members rent houses in posh villages, an official said yesterday.

Acting Makati City police chief Superintendent Jaime Santos said it is not that easy for outsiders to enter villages like Forbes Park – not unless they are residents.

“We have received information that a syndicate is now renting houses inside posh subdivisions to use as their base of operation and to conduct surveillance on other houses inside the village,” he said.

Santos added that security personnel in the village and those posted near Mohammadi’s house may have been lax. Since Forbes Park is a private subdivision, police patrol teams are not allowed to enter. “Security is supposed to be tight inside and outside the subdivision. There are even two private security men posted at the house of the ambassador. And yet the robbery happened,” he said.

Santos said the Makati police has informed Forbes Park homeowners and officials about the syndicate, and “it is now their turn to react.”

Santos said the sliding glass doors of Mohammadi’s residence along McKinley Road also did not show any tool marks. “It could either mean that there was no force entry or the door was already open,” he said.

Mohammadi was looking for his cellular phone at about 11:30 a.m. when he discovered that the gadget, his branded wristwatches, eyeglasses, and money were missing from his room.

The incident was reported to the police at 3 p.m. by the village security guard, police said.

“What’s suspicious here is that the ambassador’s wallet was not missing,” Santos said.

Santos said the Makati police would subject all of Mohammadi’s household members to a polygraph test. They will also check the guards on duty at the time of the alleged robbery.

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