LTO teams up with NBI, cops in drive vs 'colorum' vehicles

MANILA, Philippines - The Land Transportation Office (LTO) is teaming up with the National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) and the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) to go after “syndicates” behind “colorum” vehicles operating in Metro Manila.

The move was made following reports by traffic enforcers that they are having a hard time apprehending public utility vehicles (PUVs) without franchises because many police officers and soldiers – whether in active service or retired – are moonlighting as drivers or operators of colorum vehicles.

LTO-National Capital Region director Teofilo Guadiz III said he will meet with NCRPO officials next week. The campaign against colorum PUVs “will get a much-needed boost in the arm with the help of NCRPO, given that we are seriously undermanned,” he said.

Both the Philippine National Police and the Armed Forces of the Philippines said they will not tolerate any illegal activity by their personnel.

The LTO earlier expressed alarm that drivers of colorum vehicles are “armed and dangerous.” The agency said that in almost 30 percent of encounters with colorum PUVs in the metropolis, the vehicles are either driven by off-duty or retired police officers and soldiers.

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