Miller says its flour is safe

MANILA, Philippines –  A flour miller assured the public yesterday that its products are safe for human consumption, as confirmed by tests conducted by the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA).

In a statement, Marco Polo Flour Mills Inc. said its flour “does not pose a threat to public health,” based on a Nov. 4, 2010 FDA report on products submitted for testing by police officers who raided the firm’s factory.

The raid was conducted based on a consumer complaint that Marco Polo flour reportedly contained a banned substance, potassium bromate. Marco Polo said the police officers were aware of the FDA findings “although the presence of the substance was among the reasons stated by the lawmen when they applied for a search warrant” from the Manila regional trial court.

“They misinformed journalists who reported the raid by saying the seized products were unfit for human consumption,” Marco Polo said, adding that law enforcers have allegedly been “intermittently raiding” its factory.

Marco Polo had planned to sell its flour at P570 per 25-kilo sack although the prevailing market price is P650. The flour miller will supply the market for low-end bakeries, particularly those that make pan de sal and other common types of bread.        


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