Malabon policeman kills man in self-defense

Stabbed by a disgruntled man, a cop assigned to the San Juan police station shot dead his attacker early yesterday morning in Navotas.

Police Officer 1 Ronnie Desacula, Jr., 27, single, of R. Champaca St., San Roque, Navotas, suffered a stab wound in his left chest and is now confined at the Tondo Medical Center.

Authorities identified the fatality as Noel Malasalabang, 34, married, of M. Fatima St., Leongson Extension, San Roque, Navotas.

Senior Police Officer 1 Milo Tengson, desk officer at the Navotas police station, said that Malasalabang had a gunshot wound in the head.

Recovered from the crime scene was a slug and two empty shells from a 9 mm caliber pistol, Tengson added.

The incident happened at around 1:45 a.m. on Champaca St., Leongson Ext., San Roque, Navotas.

According to Tengson, Desacula, along with his father, Ronnie Sr., went out of their house at around 1:30 a.m. to check on the former’s newly purchased owner-type jeep that was parked nearby.

"We were told that he (the suspect) was checking on his new jeep because his old one was recently stolen," Tengson said in Filipino.

The suspect and his father then saw Malasalabang, together with a still unidentified man, seated inside.

Quoting witnesses, Tengson said Malasalabang and his companion earlier had a fight with some men in the area. The two allegedly went back with a fan knife and waited for their enemies inside Desacula’s parked jeep.

But the father and son ordered them to get out, which angered Malasalabang.

Tengson said the victim attacked the Desaculas with a fan knife, grazing the father on the forehead.

Malasalabang managed to stab the policeman in the chest. He was about to deliver a second blow when, to defend himself, the policeman shot Malasalabang in the head.

Malasalabang died on the spot and his companion fled the scene. – With Pete Laude

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