How to be a Social Media Starrr

Makeup artist, beauty entrepreneur and social media sensation Patrick Starrr launches his first makeup collection with MAC as key artist collaborator.

Makeup artist and social media success Patrick Starrr, talks about his new collaboration with MAC and building his brand

It’s been 18 years since Patrick Starrr last visited the Philippines, but what homecoming it’s been. The social media star, whose Instagram and YouTube channels have gained a loyal following of makeup-loving (and Patrick Starrr-loving) women and men, recently visited Manila to launch his new collection for MAC, where he is Key Artist Collaborator. That means he’s not just launching one collection, but a series of products that represent Patrick Starrr. With most of his first collection already sold out, Patrick was very excited to return to Manila — with Mamastarrrr, his dad and his brother — and share tips on makeup and building a successful brand. Here are some of the lessons we learned from MAC’s new Starrr:

YSTYLE: On the biggest makeup mistake women make

PS: When contouring is a little too harsh, or the color is not matching. That’s a little hard to execute. Choose the right color. You don’t have to pay to get a color match. MAC artists are everywhere. Trust their expertise.

On creating a universal first collection

There is something for everyone this year. I’m MAC Cosmetic’s key artist collaborator, so I’ve not only curated the MAC staples that I love, but I’ve created the powder, one eyeshadow, the lipstick colors and glosses that correspond to the Lipglass but beyond that I’m also the creative director for the imagery for the collection. I have a holiday collection by the end of the year as well.

Patrick Starrr creates a collection that complements every skin tone and type with the MAC credo in mind.

The reason why I created such simple colors for this first collection is that I am MAC’s key artist collaborator so I have more colors to come and they will be fabulous. And these are the core base to any look. With MAC being such a global brand, it’s also for people to be able to see me as well as pick up colors that will complement any skin color and skin type. So for any lola or auntie passing by, I wanted to make sure I didn’t pick colors that are so from left field for these consumers. I had MAC’s credo in mind when creating this collection.

On his social media presence

It’s so surreal that they would pick me. I think it’s because my overall message and my following, which is millions of viewers in all different shapes and sizes. On Instagram, when I first started, I was so insecure, I didn’t know who my demographic was. So I would do case studies and ask people where they are from, how old are you. And I would do that every 10,000 followers that I got and I did it up to 150,000 because there were no analytics on Instagram. I found that I was tapping into a wide demographic — in terms of reach, it was to infinity.

What blows my mind the most is when boyfriends come up and say “hi.” I’ll be at a restaurant and someone will come up to me and say, “Yo, my girlfriend loves you.” That these boyfriends, these brothers are finding out about it is crazy and really cool.

On his transformation and being a boy in the beauty industry

I believe in the power of perception. There’s a sort of cutting-edge appeal to a man’s perspective in the beauty space. We all have a gay bestfriend, our mamshies, and there’s a perspective from a man that women appreciate in regards to beauty and fashion. I’ve idolized transformations since I was a young child, from Cinderella to these makeover shows on TV, America’s Next Top Model, and I would be so infatuated with these things. I think I’ve been able to personify that identity. I’ve always loved making over my friends. I just love transformation, and if I can teach that and give someone a feel-good moment, then I’m doing my job. It just so happens that I use makeup to send that message.

On the importance of using all your skills

I studied classical piano since I was eight years old. I taught private piano lessons when I was 16. And then I worked at a bakery so I was doing customer service. Then I did photography and videography for weddings.  To combine that and mash them up in a bowl, I’m educating people to take a medium — whether it’s music or makeup — then combining that with customer service appreciation. So I’m educating them on YouTube and Instagram, bringing a tangibility to brands and bring their products to life. Furthermore, I think what makes Patrick Starrr so special is leveraging my digital presence with celebrity collaborations.

Patrick’s most important tip: Choose the right shade for you.

On humble beginnings and being a self-made success

On my team, I am able to study each and every aspect of my job — being a photographer, an agent, a talent and entrepreneur. It’s not just about putting my face and my name. I have a team of seven, but if they were all to go, I know how to do the damn job. The dishwasher from the bakery I worked at eventually became the manager and, to me, that makes so much sense. He knows how to make a sandwich, unclog the toilet, wash the dishes, work the register… And that’s like me. I’ve learned to manage every nook and cranny of my business and I think that’s why I’ve been so successful, because I’ve learned to angle myself as an entrepreneur than just a beauty blogger.

On making his Filipino parents proud

I think once my parents got it, personally for me, that’s when I made it. You know how Filipino parents are. They go, “Ang tigas ng ulo mo,” or “Puro ka gastos.” I think proving to my parents that I can be an entrepreneur. I was going into nursing before, but I think I am still able to use my interest to help people through my platform.

On celebrity best practices

The best tip that I’ve picked up from celebrities I’ve worked with is that they are all very hardworking, good people, conducting themselves in a social space without drama and just doing their thing. Also, surrounding yourself with driven people really pushes you. Be a good business people, have a good team. Makeup-wise, the best tip I’ve gotten from a celebrity makeup artist is less is more — which does not resonate with me because I love makeup.

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MAC x Patrick Starrr collection is available at select MAC stores. 

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