A label seeks poetic license

Who says you can’t wear your heart on your sleeve? There’s no better way to express exactly how you feel than by broadcasting it on your apparel.  In tribute to the late Jose Garcia Villa, one of our National Artists for Literature, Freeway has launched its latest collection highlighting his text on everyday gear to ensure his words will live on.

Doveglion (Jose Garcia Villa’s pen name for himself, combining dove, eagle and lion) was a masterful poet and prolific short story writer of the 20th century. Utilizing a reversed consonance rhyming scheme and famous for introducing the comma poem (wherein a comma is placed after every word), Jose Garcia Villa was a shining star of his craft. Spending most of his life in New York City, he was a figure on the literary scene as well as lecturing and conducting poetry workshops.

Freeway’s limited edition collection features Jose Garcia Villa’s poetic words splashed fashionably in vivid hues and delightful graphics across T-shirts, dresses, leggings and accessories for a little verbal tease. Feminine yet strong, this high street label injects intellectual stimulation into everyday attire.  Think a more polished Richard Prince when he collaborated with Louis Vuitton but with prose from a celebrated Pinoy. Strut your stuff without having to say a word. 

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