What a grown man can learn from One Direction

At some point in a man’s life, he must learn to face the truth, no matter how painful that reality may be, no matter how hard he tries to deny it. But, like the wise have said, the truth will set you free. And today, we are here to admit, finally removed from our chains and shackles, that we love One Direction. It might be hard to see that since we aren’t 12-year-old girls, but just like the works of one Ryan Gosling, the young men from One Direction have shown us all how to be men in this new era of selfies and hashtags. Here now are three things grown men can learn from the greatest thing to ever come from something called The X-Factor.

Anyone can develop their own style

If you’ve seen One Direction’s initial X-Factor auditions, you’ll see that it is clear their mothers picked their outfits. Loose shirts, awful haircuts … they looked like they were auditioning for a makeover. Flash forward to the most recent American Music Awards and those tweeners suddenly look like they just came from a GQ shoot. What’s most surprising, though, is they all have a distinct look that separates them from their fellow Directioners. You’d see one of them wearing a full-on suit and tie, and another just rocking a black tee and blazer. Sure, they have their own team of stylists, but that’s what Hypebeast.com and all the other style sites are for. All 1D has taught us is that, given the right push, we can all look like we’re about to perform for thousands of screaming girls waiting to become women.

Love who you want to love

We haven’t been following their lives in Tiger Beat magazine but we heard some pretty amazing stuff about One Direction’s special “fans.” One of the guys was reported to be dating a much older woman, and team leader Harry Styles has dated the likes of supermodel Cara Delevingne and had a fling with Taylor Swift. Apparently, for these boys, age and Grammy awards are really just a number. Hate on their music all you want but you can’t deny that they know how to play the field and they don’t care what anybody thinks. For too long, a lot of us have become torpe but our friends from the United Kingdom have shown us that we are free to love whomever we want to love. Romance should never be boring and plain and from the looks of it, the boys know have to have fun. If anything, their dating life shows you don’t have to write a song about Rihanna to prove you got game.

Be yourself and forget the haters

Sure, every guy will say that they hate boy bands when suddenly we’re in the middle of a club singing every word of their songs. It’s a false and unfair hatred, but the guys from One Direction don’t seem to care, probably because they’re too busy doing what they love. Hate everything else they do but at least we can all learn from that kind of dedication. We can all learn how to be less insecure and afraid of what people might think of us. We all can learn to not listen to the mindless haters who do nothing but troll and ruin our days. The more we spend thinking about all that negativity, the less time we have to do what we’re meant to be doing. The guys are barely in their 20s and they’ve already done so much with the talent they have. They’ve developed it and put it to good use and have earned millions from it. That’s what we should all be doing, right? We all have talents no matter how big or small, and the sooner we use them, the sooner we can become who we’re meant to be. So forget the hate and the noise, be brave and accept the man you are and grow from there. We’ve all got that one thing that makes us beautiful. Did we just say that? Yes, we did.

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What have you learned from One Direction? Or are you more of a The Wanted kind of guy? Let us know online and email us over at jiggyandjonty@gmail.com.


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