YStyle turns three!

I’ll never forget the day I made my first YStyle cover. First of all, it was the day I brought my beloved puppy Bruno home for the first time. And second of all – you got that right – I made the first YStyle cover with my own hands. A photograph of Nafsika Droussou taken by Victor Consunji was decorated with decoupage flowers cut from old issues of Martha Stewart Living. Bruno was nervously trampling all over it and I actually almost caught him pissing on it. It was a bit of a mess and, frankly, I had only a sliver of an idea of what I was doing then.
You see, before that I’d been nothing more than a self-indulgent writer and occasional fashion journo who only wrote about stuff I liked. So when Lifestyle editor Millet Mananquil decided to create a new section that would focus on the lifestyles of the young and rabid, I was both excited and scared – excited over the possibilities of covering anything under the sun, but scared of the thought that I would screw this up royally.

To this day, three years later, I’m still paranoid. To come up with a beautiful cover every week is a must, plus having content that will interest people from ages 16 to 70 is quite a feat. Every week. Some people go to the gym less frequently than that. However, it does happen every Friday, a new issue is churned out and for us it feels like every new issue is the first one. It’s a labor of love. However, by now we have a legion of top photographers, graphic artists, designers and models collaborating with us. I won’t have to worry about Bruno pissing on our next cover.

first started out as a compass for young people in terms of lifestyle, fashion and everything considered materialistic. Later on, we found ourselves more knee-deep into fashion and stuck in the mud ever since. The section each year grows to be more astute and its identity more defined. It’s forever going to be a growing process, and if it were not for its many mothers and gay surrogates (our columnists and, of course, assistant editor Bea Ledesma) it would be a bit of a mess, like Suri Cruise.

So we thank you for being with us throughout the years. To our sponsors who believed in us enough to make this a real section and not just a page and to our readers who constantly interact with us and give us new ideas. We believe for every YStyle issue that comes out another local fashion angel gets its wings. After all, that’s what it’s all about. YStyle is all for Filipino fashion and encouraging young people in the industry to get out there and be bold!

Stay tuned for year four because from there YStyle stops teething and starts talking!
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E-mail us at ystylecrew@yahoo.com.

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