Love Resolutions for the New Year

Would you do anything for the one you love? Meatloaf said yes. Gloria Estefan said yes. You most probably would, too.

The cliché "love changes everything" does have a ring of truth to it. Love does have a way of making you go bonkers. You lose sleep. You lose your appetite. You lose yourself. That’s putting it mildly…

Some wise man (I forget who he is) once said: "love is an act, not a feeling." Hmmm… if so, then there are ways to win someone’s love after all! If you strive to improve yourself then maybe, just maybe, the object of your desire will be interested enough to give you the time of day. You can take it from there.

The New Year signals a new kind of life. We formulate ways to change our bad habits and work at being better people. How do you win the heart of that one special person? Change for the better. These tips might help you:

If you’re not the "malambing" type, be one. It doesn’t hurt to show affection as long as this is done in moderation and within the bounds of decency. A touch on the shoulder or a brush of the hand will go a long way. But remember not to overdo it. You wouldn’t want to be branded a "manyak" or a "slut" now, would you?

If you’re a slob, be refined. Good manners and finesse are major turn-ons.

If you’re the serious type, lighten up. A great sense of humor is not acquired overnight but if you relax and let your funny side show, you’ll do fine. So what it they think your jokes are corny? Join the conversation and let go of all self-consciousness. You might even surprise yourself.

If you’re the possessive type, stop being the insecure little mouse that you are! The jealous and the paranoid are never attractive. People who do not have confidence in themselves find it hard to trust others. Work on your self-esteem.

If you’re always bent on making an impression, stop. Don’t always try to please others. Those who clamor for attention usually never get it.

Lastly, if you’re so determined to change yourself drastically in order to gain other people’s approval, realize that there’s something terribly wrong somewhere. Accept who you are because it is only then that others will accept you.

These tips are meant to improve not only your chances at snagging that special someone but improving your outlook in life as well. Be yourself. Love yourself without being self-absorbed. Laugh a lot and don’t take self-changing tips too seriously.

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