Tina’s new arena

If you remember Tina Arena and her sentimental ballads, then you’ll be glad to know that she’s back! But her ballads are most definitely not! Even she herself has said that she doesn’t see this album as a continuation of her previous work. She muses, "I think it’s definitely a new beginning… almost a rebirth."

And unmistakably so, she’s back in the music scene with funkier, earthier, and can’t-help-but-tap-your-feet music! Her new album, Just Me, is a great melange of Britney pop, Artful Dodger funk-garage, Princesa alternative, and a whole load of different experimental styles featuring Tina’s empowering voice.

"God Only Knows" is a soulful cut that’s perfect for those grumpy and lousy days when everything just seems to go wrong. It’s uplifting without being annoyingly happy.

"Soul Mate #9" sounds like your typical bubble gum pop hymn. Great for a sunny morning on the way to the beach with friends singing its infectious lyrics while having fun.

Like most artists nowadays, Arena experiments with eastern flavor. Her song "Tangled" is a cross between Indian samosa and Chinese dumpling wrapped in techno beat.

She also forays into the world of electronica with "Symphony of Life," a funky beat that clearly possesses a Madonna feel to it. The cut is similar to the diva’s "Ray of Light" but with mellower energy and spewing rhetoric like "Do you know what it’s like when a mirror never lies and the truth remains unspoken?"

Looking further beyond the beat and rhythm, most of the lyrics in all her songs actually bear heavier meaning, dealing with not just the usual love problems and heartaches, but also with triumph, introspection, life and God. The jovial and upbeat sound of "Dare You To Be Happy" can unfortunately disguise great inspiring lines like "When in doubt, leave it out. Put your faith in life."

Tina Arena has certainly come a long way from the time she first came to our airwaves. While the distinct similarity of her lovesick ballads irritated some audiences before, now her music and sound have certainly matured and reached a higher level of sophistication.

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