A strong, better you through Kinesis

Kinesis is a cable and pulley workout system that allows us to work out with over 550 functional training movements. The pulleys are designed to accommodate movement in any direction while being in any position. Each exercise is a full body movement that incorporates most of the muscles in our body, especially the stabilizers. I really enjoy the workout as it really engages my core while working on my balance, flexibility and strength.

There are many benefits to training with a kinesis system. For me I need a strong core while playing basketball. I need to be able to stop and go, spin, jump, crossover, and move from side to side. Each change in direction is energy being transferred through my core from one direction to another. Also while making these changes in direction I have to be balanced and stable. Kinesis really allows me to work on this, which is why I think it’s beneficial to me. But there are more benefits that you might find interesting.

  • It improves strength, flexibility, coordination, balance, and cardio.
  • You can increase power and coordination through the development of a stronger core.
  • It is great in developing proper movement patterns, which leads to injury prevention.
  • It develops proper posture to eliminate back pain.
  • Great for weight loss as being a full body workout it engages more muscles leading to more calories burned.

Here is a video of me at one of my Kinesis sessions:

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