A talk with my grandma

So my folks shared my blog entry “What my grandparents taught me about marriage” with my grandmother. She gave me a call shortly after and was crying her heart out. In between sobs, she shared more stories on how she felt an overwhelming love from my grandpa when he was still alive.

How he would be away for days at a time during his military days then call her to tell her he’d be coming home earlier than expected because he misses her. How we would tell her to take a leave of absence from her teaching job because he wanted her to be home when he’d arrive. How he always took such good care of her, and how he made her so happy every day.

And now, how she wishes she had told him she loved him more than he loved her. How she kisses his picture every morning and every evening. How she doesn’t know till now why he loved her so intensely. How she longs to be with him again because she feels so lonely every day.

Today, hug your partner for no special reason. Do something out of your way to make him/her smile. Say “I love you”. Hold hands. Embrace. Share flirtatious jokes. Express your fondness. Hey, get frisky. Sit back and watch the stars together. Sit back and do nothing together.

My grandma shared that the deep love she felt for my grandfather further intensified when he passed away. So what a revelation that she wished she could have loved him even more. I guess you can’t ever love someone just right or just enough. Maybe that’s because love always keeps on giving, love always keeps on living through different ways — faded pictures alive with memories, love stories passed on.

I hope the lessons they have taught me about marriage inspires you too.

 Image from Toni Tiu’s family archives. All rights reserved.

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