Love for the two

Everyone has seen Mo Twister’s video confession. It has over a million hits on YouTube. There are 1,095 dislikes, as opposed to 378 likes. You have stupid comments there saying how “gay” he is for crying all the time, how dumb he is for allowing his child to be murdered. But really, what made us this cold-blooded, and seriously, who the f*ck are we to judge?

I’ve never met Mo Twister. The masses know him as this fast-talking A-hole who doesn’t care how other people react to his harsh comments. Now that the feisty male has turned into a sobbing boy, you cannot blame people for having such a negative reaction.

I met Rhian Ramos once. She struck me as a girl who was brought up knowing she could achieve everything, a superwoman who could overcome all obstacles that get in her way. The woman can open a soda bottle with her bare teeth and spit the cap out. I’ve seen her do it; that’s how tough she can be.

But I have seen the confession video. What I saw was a man who would do anything to protect he woman he loves. As both an actor and a human being, I felt his pain. There was a genuine sense of grief. On a scientific level, his recent TV interviews and tweets show the symptoms of Post-Abortion Syndrome — the “forgotten father” who grieves for the child that “should have been.”

Rhian was groomed in the merciless environment of showbiz where stars are made to believe they are invincible beings. But as tough as Rhian is, she is still a human being born with innate goodness. I know she is in deep pain and sorrow, but a strong-willed woman like Rhian will never show any sign of weakness, especially since she’s a public persona.

The showbiz industry is f*cking tough. You guys outside have no idea how tough it is inside. The “actor” has to stay sensitive as a child on the set, but the “celebrity” has to develop iron skin for the judgmental world outside. Situations like a pregnancy and coercing forces can really f*ck with your head. 

There have been abortions before. Showbiz couples have gone through it. But the point is, we should never go through it. Having to weigh the success of your career against the life of an unborn child? It can split a person into two.

The effects of abortion are deep and subconscious. Noemi Dado (popularly known as citizen journalist Momblogger) provides scientifically in-depth literature on grief education, in light of the recent events, “For men and women alike, the feeling of emptiness may last a lifetime, for parents are parents forever, even of a dead child.”

Mo Twister has been seeking professional help and will begin self-recovery in New York. That is a good move, as a new environment will help clear his head. Rhian may have tried to ignore the symptoms, but her true healing will depend on how honest she is with herself.

I normally don’t meddle with other people’s business. But this controversy is taking light — at this specific time — for a reason. We are not taking sides here. We are not quick to judge. We are merely here to uncover the truth, to understand the situation better, and ultimately, to show love and compassion to all parties involved. 

Mo and Rhian, these may be dark times in your own private worlds, but this will bring enlightenment to the bigger Universe around you. As you read this, there are kids out there grimly facing the same situation, and they need understanding and support above all.

Martin Luther King said, “If you’re going through hell, keep going.” These trying times are temporary. Please, always remember that. Both of you will emerge as deeper human beings. Come out of the dark soon so you can start spreading Light. I send my friendship to both of you. Always choose to love!

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