All things yummy and healthy

Two years old. Sometimes it feels more like 10. There is so much effort that has gone into implementing the G Stuff brand as a social enterprise, and while the challenges never cease, the goals and the vision remain vibrant.

A country whose natural resources are preserved in a manner that benefits the greater good; communities that live in love, peace and harmony and contribute to the nation’s health and wellness through their products; a melting pot of various sectors of society — united and enthused by the vision of the common good.

So what do we have in store for year two? We now have an emotional therapy kit — and it works! I’ve tried it on myself and on different people. The emotions enabled are forgiveness, cheer, console, peace and passion. Emotions are the basis of good health. If one is unhappy or stressed or negative, inevitably some physical ailment will emerge.  Happiness is a key path toward good health. The essential oils are blended, and inhaling the aromas and applying topically results in a chemical movement in the brain. Everything I have tried at G Stuff works.

We also have a great appetite-suppressing bar. I tried it. The effect is immediate. After eating it, my craving to eat when I wasn’t actually hungry diminished. I found the results pretty amazing.

We have the best ice cream ever! No white sugar, it uses either seaweed sugar or Stevia (a sugar substitute); they even make vegan ice cream! I found the flavors exquisite. The young lady behind this went to Italy to learn the art of making ice cream. You should try it. This is the only ice cream that I even felt “good” about after eating it.

Then there is homeopathy. I have a friend who is not well and she was tired of chemical medicine, so she decided to try these homeopathic remedies. I was in a restaurant and I saw with my own eyes the change, hour by hour, as she took the remedies. From being manic she became calm, and in the evening, for the first time in days, after taking the homeopathic sleep remedy, she slept! Amazing! It worked just as well as allopathic medicines. The doctor is Ivan Piccio who trained for four years in England. He is the only certified homeopathic doctor in the country, and he will be at the launch. You can sign up for his talk on Nov. 28 in Luna Gardens. Call 416-1828 for inquiries.

As always, my dictum is: if it works, it works.

 The Health and Wealthness event is ongoing until today at the R1 North Court of the Power Plant Mall, Rockwell so if you didn’t know about it, you can still catch the last day. I will be giving a talk then at 4 p.m. plus I will also be introducing my partners in health and sharing my health and wellness regimen. You can also do your early Christmas shopping at the event. We have beautiful woven bags made by our supported community in Buhatan, Sorsogon. 

I look forward to meeting you. For G Stuff inquiries, call 416-1828 or 0906-3826388 or email

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I can be reached at


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