What the Bible reveals


Benjamin Sy, 55, is a graduate of BS Physics from the University of the Philippines. He likes mathematics and games that are logic related, and, now retired, spends his time “reading and discovering the realities of our time.”

When I chanced upon this essay writing contest, I saw the opportunity to use this forum to share my knowledge. I am starting to love books. I like The Celestine Prophecy because it has adventure, mystery and suspense. I love fiction because it is unrestrained by a reasoning mind, and I also like non-fiction, which I can relate to and from which I can learn a thing or two. If you want to be “in,” just say you are a fan of Anne Rice or Stephanie Meyer. 

But now that I am semi-retired and have much time to read and think, I cannot find a better book than the Bible because it contains all the truth and reality of our existence.

If we consider strictly the Bible as consisting of many books, I would say that I love both Genesis and the Book of Revelation — the first and the last book of the Bible. I love Revelation more because it has all the ingredients of a great literary piece. What’s more, I could never have understood the true nature of God and the real essence of life without this book. Thank God, there is a way to know what is true and what is a lie.

I regret that I did not have the right understanding earlier. It is because realities are often covered with layers and layers of lies and delusions. I am sorry to say that the world is full of treachery and deception. It is only through the Word of God and the Holy Spirit that a person can expect enlightenment and discernment. I am therefore grateful for God’s mercy. In this light, I am inclined to share my understanding with all eager students of life: be they 15 or 85.  Anyone who listens is both welcome and lucky. 

There are many end-time watchers, Bible scholars and prophecy teachers that study end-time prophecies. Some will promote false teachings using the name of Christ in order to deceive. It is therefore upon each one to discern what is right. Read the Bible and pray. This is the best advice I can give.

Theologians refer to Revelation as a book of prophecy. The Bible mentions prophecy many times but my point of view is different. For me, nothing (of God’s word) is really a prophecy. I view it more as events in queue or something waiting for its right time. It is a future fact. I can quote Isaiah 46:9-10: “Remember the former things of old: For I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me...Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure.”

What’s in the Book of Revelation? First, the good news is that Jesus is coming the second time to give the ultimate reward of resurrection. However, before this is the tribulation (second half of the last seven years) and unfortunately everyone has to undergo it. The second good news for the children of God is that there is a way to know the time and there is a way to escape the tribulation. We do not have to be accurate to the day or the hour for this knowledge belongs to God the Father only. More important than knowing the time is the preparedness. I should say that the children of God should be in top shape spiritually before the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Revelation starts aptly with the seven letters to the seven churches. The seven letters point out the shortcomings of each church. There are lessons to be learned in each case. In our time, we are guilty of many faults. Let us evaluate ourselves and make the necessary amends. Spiritual preparation is the best preparation we can have but please understand that I will not discourage anyone from preparing physically: That is three and a half years of food, water, and shelter. It is your choice but always remember: watch and pray.

God’s plan for the end time was written in Revelation and corroborated in other parts of the Bible. Revelation opened my eyes to the true nature of God. Let me explain and cite a few basic facts. First, we should understand that God is not only our God but also the God of all the people in the world. This is the reason why God’s plan is complete and all-encompassing. Second, there is justice beyond God’s love and mercy. It’s a kind of “justice for all.” God will judge everyone regardless of status, nationality or religious belief, and God will be fair to all. There will be a day of reckoning and everyone has to answer for what he has done and what he has said during his lifetime. I will tell you that salvation will not be easy for both Christians and non-Christians. You have to work hard to be saved.           

God gave us Revelation in order for us to know that there is an end to the world that we live in. In fact, the end is near. Knowledgeable people are waiting for signs and events to unfold. One sign is the appearance of the anti-Christ. Once he declares himself as god and starts to blaspheme God, this will be the trigger of the tribulation. Be watchful. Once you see this, set your plans into motion at once and be sure not to accede to the mark of the anti-Christ. Be strong and be patient because if you endure to the end, you will be with God forever.

The Book of Revelation provided me more faith in God. His final plan for mankind: to vanquish evil forever and to overcome death. This only shows that in the end, the victory is with God.

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