Resolution time again?

There’s nothing like a brand new year to wipe the slate clean and start anew. A new year gives us new hope and, most especially, new resolve. We always think, "This year will be different. I will be stronger and fulfill all my resolutions." This is true for some of us; for others, it becomes the same old broken record.

I make it a point to try to fulfill my New Year’s resolutions. It’s fun and challenging to look back a year after on the promises that I kept (and conveniently forget those that I didn’t). I see each year that He gives us as a chance to fulfill the resolutions that I failed to do. Try to list down your New Year’s resolutions – no matter how jaded you are, think of three to five resolutions – that will benefit you and the ones you love.

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Pinky Webb, newscaster:
My most successful New Year’s resolution was when I vowed not to have a New Year’s resolution! I never used to live up to any of them anyway!

Ernesto L. Lopez, president, ABS-CBN Publishing Inc.:
Well, it wasn’t exactly a New Year’s resolution, but there was one year when I was still single when my mother asked me not to kill my girlfriend! She said this because at that time, my girlfriend had a bike accident, a jet ski accident and another one where I accidentally drove off a cliff! I kept my resolution and no one died probably because after all those accidents, I thought it prudent to stop skydiving.

Valerie Sotto, wife, mother and businesswoman:
I fulfilled my New Year’s resolution after I resolved to be a business partner to my husband Ping – not just his partner at home but also his partner at work. I used to work for another firm, and for a time was a lady of leisure, until my husband had to delegate the management of our two gasoline stations to me because of his consultancy business. I never thought I had a head for numbers and management, but with Ping’s support and my resolve, I fulfilled my New Year’s resolution! And I think I’m doing fine, or so my husband says!

Shaina Magdangal, actress:
My least successful New Year’s resolution was to wake up early in the morning and not ask for another five to 10 minutes’ extension before I finally got out of bed!

Joey A. Syjuco Jr., former ambassador and chairman of Petron Corp:
I must confess that I have never believed in New Year’s resolutions or, for that matter, letting any special calendar date dictate my actions. Usually, a strong conviction, urgent necessity or other circumstances determine the timing of my corrective resolutions. Such was the case with a past resolution that caused me a great deal of difficulty to implement – to stop smoking. In the past, I had the occasion to be put in job responsibilities that were too heavy for my young age. That situation caused me a great deal of stress, and that was when I learned to depend on nicotine ingestion for instant stress relief. After a few years of consequent asthma attacks and respiratory infections, as well as constant reminders from the media that smoking was bad for the health, I woke up one morning in the middle of the year and just decided to junk the addiction. Little did I know that it would be a two-and-a-half year ordeal before I could finally kick the habit. I ended up starting and stopping again a total of seven times during that period. Finally, a really bad respiratory infection scared me into giving it up successfully. That time, I took the cold-turkey approach and it worked permanently.

Architect Pablo A. Antonio Jr.:
This year, I finally decided to lose weight and live a nice, healthy life. I succeeded and lost 15 pounds. I still have to correct my being an impulsive shopper, buying things I don’t really need but getting them only because they’re on sale.

Robert Reimche, hair stylist:
To be honest, I’ve tried to quit smoking as my New Year’s resolution but was terribly unsuccessful! This year my resolution is to get fit!

Richard Tann, businessman:
I never peg it to New Year’s because I make resolutions quite often. The hardest for me is giving up cigarettes. After giving it up for five years, I slid right back. I’m still trying though.

Marco Lobregat, Young Star columnist:
My most successful New Year’s resolutions for the last year were seeing more of the world, opening up to different cultures and mentalities, and getting into shape.

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