Can we still be Christ-like in these modern times?

Easter Sunday is when all of Christendom remembers and celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. God gave His only begotten Son to suffer for man’s sins, die on the cross, and on the third day (Easter Sunday), live again. Through the glory of the Resurrection, the promise of salvation is fulfilled. Most important of all, Christ’s triumph over death is Christianity’s evidence of eternal life.

The central message of Christ is encapsulated in Easter – that like Him, man will die and live again, too. And this is supposed to happen as the skies open in all heavenly glory during His Second Coming for the Last Judgment.
The Name Of Jesus Christ
"Jesus" is the Greek form of the Hebrew name Joshua, which was originally Hoshea. It was changed by Moses into Jehoshua or Joshua and after the exile, it assumed the form Jeshua, from which came the Greek form Jesus. An angel told Joseph (Jesus’ carpenter foster-father), "You are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins." (Matt. 1:21) Therefore the name denotes the object of Jesus’ mission to save.

The word "Christ," which is the Greek translation of the Hebrew word "Messiah," means anointed. The coming of the Messiah, the Anointed One, was prophesied and greatly anticipated in the Old Testament. The word "Messiah" denotes that Jesus was anointed or consecrated to his great work of redemption as prophet, priest, king of his people, the great deliverer, the savior of men.

Jesus the Christ or Jesus Christ then means Jesus, the Anointed One.
Imitation Of Christ
For Christians, the ideal behavior is to be Christ-like, to follow and emulate the life of the Anointed One. Imitating Christ’s life is the ultimate answer to His invitation to come follow Him.

But with all the many confusing ideologies, ego-driven goals, material trappings, and endless temptations around us in these modern times, could we still be Christ-like? It would be very difficult but we can still try. The teachings of Christ are timeless, they present effective solutions to most problems that beset us today.

The way of Christ is not an easy road and we will need all the strength we can muster to travel it. Whether to follow Christ or not is a personal choice we have to make. Knowing the essentials of a Christ-like life would help increase our chances of successfully living it.
Essentials To A Christ-Like Life
• Be loving. Love is the very foundation of Christianity. The Heavenly Father’s great love is the reason He sent His only Son to redeem man. Love is giving, caring, and sharing. Love is being selfless and truly concerned for others.

• Live simply. You can live a full life even if you live simply. In truth, the complicated life is what drives us to a confused, pointless existence. Christ always preached about the beautiful simplicity of the little child. Unless we are like little children, we cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.

• Be a man of faith. Trust in God always. Believe in His love, fairness and abundance. You should never lose faith that everything will turn out for the best. Keep your faith even under the most trying conditions.

• Be a man of prayer. The best way to ask anything from God is through prayer. It is important to be faithful and watchful in prayer. You have to be grateful, thanking God just as diligently as you make your requests. Furthermore, be purposeful and specific in your prayers.

• Live a life of sacrifice. The life of Christ was a life of extreme sacrifice. All followers of Christ should find joy in living a life of sacrifice. Always pray for the strength to endure hardships, and have the perseverance and steadfastness to conquer life’s challenges.

• Resist temptation. Pray for the power to overcome the many temptations that come daily in your life. Evaluate every decision before making it and always think of the consequences that your choice, whether good or bad, brings.

• Serve God and man. For the Christian, service is the reason for life. Service is the physical expression of love. To serve God and man with joy and commitment is the highest virtue of a true Christian.

• Seek the heavenly and set your mind on things above. Realize that life on earth is temporary and that the kingdom of God is not on this plane. Instead, set your sights on things that bring heavenly rewards, not material things that could rot or get stolen.

• Bring light to darkened minds. Help illuminate people who are in the dark. Share with them the understanding and wisdom that you’re blessed with. Always inspire others to goodness and greatness.

• Bring hope to a hopeless world. Speak of hope always. Save people from despair with kind, uplifting and hopeful words. Help people see life from a joyful and positive point of view. Just as Christ healed the sick, heal people with hope.

• Be compassionate and forgiving. Fill your heart with compassion and understand the shortcomings of people. Try to look at every situation from the other person’s point of view. Like Christ, say, "Forgive them for they know not what they do."

• Let the peace of Christ rule in your heart. Man’s ultimate goal is not happiness; it is peace. If you put your full confidence in Christ’s peace, you will live a secure, serene and fully contented life.

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