Naughty and Nise

As I was going through the beautifully wrapped Christmas packages under my little tree, I noticed a white plastic bag that stood out. My housekeeper did not know who it came from since it did not have a note or Christmas greeting. I usually wait for Christmas Eve before I open my gifts, but this one was piquing my curiosity so I had to open it immediately. What I saw was a delightful surprise, and I knew it was from Denise Yabut Cojuangco. I had been waiting for this product since I last talked to her almost six months ago. I did not expect to receive the product this soon, since to my mind, it was just a whimsical idea on Denise’s part. I did not realize that she was serious and that she had started on the project a year before our conversation.

Denise had this brilliant idea of manufacturing sexy disposable underwear. Underwear that one could change into and throw away during trips and long, tiring flights. I thought the idea was perfect for people who travel a lot like me.

On one trip which almost killed me, it took me 31 hours of travel time (including excruciatingly long waits in transit) to get to my destination. Only a shower and a change of clothing could lift my spirits and my almost-dead body in between connecting flights. But imagine the hassle of having to bring fresh underwear, and re-packing used underwear because they are too expensive to throw away.

After I opened the package, I called Denise to congratulate her on the product. At long last, for weary travelers like me, here is something practical yet stylish. In fact, they are too nice to throw away. They come in delicious colors and even have embroidery and lace trimmings.

Denise’s disposable ladies’ underwear comes in many styles and sizes. It is easy to identify her product as the package is labeled Nise, which is Denise’s nickname. Even if they are washable, these undies are meant to simplify one’s life on trips. One can throw them away without regret because they come cheap. One piece is $1 or P54. A box of six pieces is $4 or P200, which amounts to P33.30 each. There are bikinis, high rise T-backs, or full cut. For those women who prefer a girdle effect, Nise also has tummy-control styles.

The wonderful thing about the underwear is that they are sanitized. You can wear them straight from the box. The process of sanitizing her product is simple. The underwear goes inside a paragerm machine which gets rid of the bacteria through fogging. Packaging them also involves sanitizing the product as it involves heat-sealing and shrink-wrapping. The result is neatly packaged, sanitized underwear that is ready to wear and to dispose of, if one has the heart to throw it away.

"My trips are always hectic. I do not have the time to do laundry. Except for the unattractive and uncomfortable paper underwear that is given away in spas and hospitals, disposable underwear that’s sexy and comfortable is non-existent in stores. It was my dream to do something along this line for a very long time but it was not until last year that I seriously did a project study of the business."

Today, Nise exports to Spain and South America. Exporting to other countries in Europe and in the US is part of her expansion program.

With Denise’s disposable underwear, women need not panic during long flights and hectic trips. The bonus is that the undies are sexy and attractive enough to bring during romantic weekends with your loved one. It is also such a great gift to give and receive.

Nise Disposable Underwear is available at the Makati Atrium, Pierre Clero, 219 N. Garcia Street (formerly Reposo) Street, Bel Air, Makati; Manila Peninsula; Regine Parlor, Alabang Town center. Or e-mail your orders to

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