No security guards, please

I loved the serenity of Holy Week. Not only did it give me time to pause and reflect, it also gave me a lot of quality time with Gorby, the newest member of my barky bunch. Gorby is a Toy Poodle and during the break we did everything we could together. I took him to church on Holy Thursday. We stayed home and played on Good Friday and over the weekend we went to the malls.

Yes, the malls. Just like all the rest of the people who stayed in Metro Manila we tried to escape the heat by seeking cover in the cool air-con that the malls provide.

We learned early on, as in a few weeks ago, that Glorietta is off limits to Gorby.

Strange, but true. The security guard at the basement parking entrance checked my bag and gave Gorby a pat on the head and let us in. Yet, as soon as we were walking in the mall (mind you, I carry Gorby around. He is that small so I don’t have to put him on a leash) another over-zealous security guard told me that dogs were not allowed in the mall and that I had to leave. I tried to explain to him that the basement security guard let me in – but he refused to believe me. "Basta," he said curtly, "bawal ang aso dito."

I went to Market! Market! on Easter Sunday and tried to enter the mall through the Metro Department Store. A very rude guard held up his batuta and told me that the dog was not allowed. I explained to him that I had brought Gorby to Market!Market on two other occasions and I was let in with no problem. "Baka tinago niyo yung aso sa guard," he curtly replied. I answered him that I was not hiding Gorby from him and I never hide Gorby from the guards. Gorby and I left.

We entered Market!Market! using another entrance and as usual the guard gave Gorby a pat on the head and let us in.

Talk about giving guards a little authority.

Sometimes Gorby and I wonder why guards are so hard on the dogs. Truth to tell, it would take a very responsible pet owner to take a dog to a mall. This explains why there are not a lot of people who go out of their way to bring the dogs to the mall. I mean, really, taking a dog to the mall is a big responsibility. And shopping and watching a dog do not go hand in hand. So, when a person takes a dog or a pet to the mall then chances are that person is a responsible pet owner.

I have seen a few smaller dogs in Power Plant Mall but no real big ones. And these small dogs are, more often than not, being carried by their loving owners. So, why the big fuss about a toy dog being brought into the mall?

If I had my way I would let Gorby stand guard at the entrance of the mall and give these guards a harsh once-over.

I wish.

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