Cool down a fiery appetite

MANILA, Philippines -  Angeline is not one to mince words when it comes to her love for anything spicy. “I always like a hint of spice in my food!” exclaims the bubbly 23-year-old account executive.

Unfortunately, it is also her fiery appetite that would sometimes lead to embarrassing moments at work. “One time, while having lunch with some of my colleagues at a Persian restaurant, a client called and asked me to make an impromptu presentation — in 30 minutes! So, I hastily put together our pitch and showed it to my boss before presenting it to the client. But, to my horror, while talking to my boss, I noticed that the smell of garlic sauce still lingered in my mouth! It was just so embarrassing,” she recalls.

Angeline immediately looked for her bottle of OraCare MerryMint mouthrinse, which she always keeps in her bag. “Can you imagine if I went ahead with the presentation with garlic breath? I would turn the client off for sure!” she says in horror. 

“OraCare provides me with a clean and fresh breath, giving me an instant confidence boost especially when I talk to people. And I love their new Merrymint variant with its subtle sweet taste that soothes the mouth quite nicely. The Oracare 80ml bottle is also very convenient for personal and on-the-go use,” she says.

Angeline concedes that she started using the product not too long ago. “I thought mouthwashes were the same and that they were really meant to leave a sting in your mouth as a way to effectively ‘wash out’ bacteria. Was I wrong! With OraCare, it’s like I’m just gargling water but its active ingredient is so effective in neutralizing strong mouth odors.”

Like other OraCare variants, OraCare Merrymint is formulated with Stabilized Chlorine Dioxide, a breakthrough active ingredient and antibacterial agent that neutralizes odor-causing volatile sulfur compounds. It works continuously by getting rid of bad bacteria that cause plaque build-up, gum disease and tooth decay while increasing the oxygen level in the mouth to keep it from drying. It is alcohol and sugar-free, which means it does not sting nor leave unsightly stains on the teeth.

Since that episode, Angeline says she still indulges in her favorite spicy food. “As long as I have OraCare Merrymint mouthrinse with me, I know I will always be ready to face another client anytime. It saved the day for me before, so I’m counting on it again.”


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