A Belly Merry Christmas

MANILA, Philippines - This holiday season, prepare for the binging and be ahead of every situation. If you’re going to a party, quickly scan the buffet and decide what to eat. Include vegetables and fruits to keep your plate balanced. Pairing fatty foods with fiber-rich foods can make them easier to digest. Choose only what you really want to eat or what you missed the most during Christmas. Or if you really want to have a taste of everything, go for portion control. Take a little of everything and resist the urge to go for seconds. If you feel heavy and bloated due to problems like constipation, there’s always (Bisacodyl) Dulcolax to keep the festivities going. (Bisacodyl) Dulcolax is a safe and effective laxative that supports the body’s natural process of elimination through Dual Digest Flow Action. It  stimulates intestinal muscle movement and then increases water accumulation in our colon, resulting in gentle, predictable constipation relief in just six to 12 hours. Plus, its tablet form has a protective coating so that you’re sure it acts only on the target organ, the colon, making it safe even for lactating women.




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