Where Daniel Matsunaga's Heart is

He has the Close Up smile and she has the Palmolive skin. He was first spotted in the September 2009 issue of Cosmo while she got her first big break in the Rexona commercial. Both formerly attached, Brazilian-Japanese model and actor Daniel Matsunaga and Heart Evangelista, co-stars in the just concluded GMA soap Langit Sa Piling Mo (Heaven In Your Arms), are now a hot item.

Creating a stir in the recent Cosmo Bachelor Bash, Daniel said it took him about a week of intense training to prepare for the show (but that, of course, is because he already looks good from a regular routine). He trained a lot in the gym and had less sugar, more protein, more vegetables to lose fat.  We asked him a few questions to peek more into his heart:

PHILIPPINE STAR: What brought you to the Philippines?

Daniel Matsunaga: I want to try a different market.

Where else did you model?

Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Holland, Spain, France, Germany, Los Angeles, Singapore, Brazil, Italy.

What was your job before modeling? How did you get discovered?

I was studying to try Biology or Medicine, and got discovered when I went to pick up my sister in her modeling agency. They asked me to try. I was told that I had a good opportunity to travel outside Brazil.

Did you encounter any weight and fitness problems before? If yes, what did you do about it?

I had problems when I was younger because I was a bit overweight, but then I started doing sports and going to the gym.

What part of your body are you most proud of? Why?

I think it is my abs cause it took me years to get it. Eheheheh ...

What part of your body needs further improvement?

I need improvement in my feet because of my football training. But I don’t really worry about it too much.

What is your fave gym exercise?

I love to do chest exercises because they make me feel better about myself and make me feel stronger.

Do you follow any strict diet?

Sometimes I do because I need it for my work. Cut my carbs and sugar. And add more protein to my diet.

How much sleep do you get every day?

It depends because of my work. But mostly I used to sleep around eight hours per day.

Any vices?

Wala. (None.)

Any cheat days?

Normally, I eat a lot after playing futsal.

What food cravings do you succumb to?

Rice and pasta are fattening, but I can’t remove them from my list of favorite food.

What is your current fitness goal?

Just to get more cuts and sometimes to enhance more muscles.

What is your regular exercise and diet regimen?

I exercise six times a week and always have protein shakes after working out or doing cardio.

Do you take supplements?

I only take protein shakes and energetics.

What other sports are you into?

Futsal, capoeira, muay thai.

What physical benefits do you get from these sports?

Losing weight and getting more cuts for my muscles.

How often do you practice?

Three times a week for futsal; three times a week, muay thai; capoeira, sometimes for fun.

Any other non-physical benefits from engaging in these sports?

It is something that I enjoy and makes me relax.

Do you recruit your family and friends to join you? How do you convince them?

I am always the one who invites everybody, but it is easy because most of them also love sports.

How did your sport help you cope with different moments in life?

It helps me forget sad moments or angry moments by releasing my frustrations.

How does your sport help you in your career?

Helps me look better and feel more comfortable about myself.

What are you training for right now?

To get more strength and stamina.

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Post me a note at mylene@goldsgym.com.ph or mylenedayrit@gmail.com.

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