And now, a supplement for kids and teens

MANILA, Philippines – New Marketlink Pharmaceutical Corporation (NMPC) recently launched Hi-Smart Multivitamins, a food supplement for kids and teens, ages five to 18 years old. Hi-Smart Multivitamins is especially formulated with zinc, taurine, and lysine.

“Hi-Smart’s zinc helps maximize children’s growth potential. Its taurine, meanwhile, assists in IQ development. So with Hi-Smart, children won’t just become taller, they will also become smarter,” says Dr. Gomez..

Exclusively distributed by NMPC, Hi-Smart Multivitamins also contains B-complex, vitamins A, C, E, and iron. It is available in many variants to suit varying lifestyles — syrup, capsule, gummies, and chewable forms. Moms can also give their children Hi-Smart’s ready-to-drink and powdered juice variants.

New Marketlink supports the Jr. NBA National Grassroots Youth Basketball program by providing Hi-Smart Multivitamins + Zinc and Taurine to all the program participants to help them physically and mentally in achieving their (basketball) dreams. Hi-Smart Multivitamins + Zinc and Taurine is proud to be the official sponsor of the Jr. NBA Philippines.

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