Updated gallstone flush recipe

Last February, I felt unbearable, excruciating pains in my upper back due to the presence of gallstones in my gallbladder. The ultrasound showed multiple stones that required immediate attention or surgery. I was convinced that I needed to have them removed through surgery and scheduled to have one immediately. I was asked by two dear friends to consider doing everything as natural as possible to get rid of the stones before opting for surgery. That was exactly what I did.

I thought and prayed hard before deciding to postpone my gallbladder surgery because I felt that it was the quickest way to get rid of the pain. I was encouraged to try the gallstone flush that I printed here in my column years back because I got so many positive feedback from people who’ve tried it. I also felt that I should be able to give you guys a progress report on how I’ve benefited from that gallstone flush. When I tried it before, I was relieved of the pain for more than two years. I also admitted to revising it when I tried it because I was pregnant when I did the gallstone flush. This time, I researched for an updated version of the recipe which I found in The Cleansing of Surgery website. I followed the recipe faithfully and revised it a bit according to what ingredients are available here in our country.

Here’s the recipe:

4 gallons of apple juice (you can also purchase organic apple juice from Healthy Options)

4 gallons of water (preferably distilled steam water, but purified will do)

1/2 c extra virgin olive oil (available at Rustan’s, Unimart or Shoppersville)

3 lemons (or enough to make 1/4 cup lemon juice)

1 Tbsp. tomato juice

1 straw (optional)

If you do this cleanse, look for freshly-pressed, raw apple juice in the supermarket. Or, if you have a juicer, you could use freshly made apple juice. Otherwise, bottled, unsweetened apple juice is fine.
Doing The Cleanse
Prepare yourself for a four-day fast. That means, nothing by mouth except the apple juice and water for four days. If it’s totally unbearable for you, maybe you can slip in a few crackers here and there. I also suggest you consult your doctor first before trying this recipe. I was confident to delay my surgery and go all out with this recipe because my doctor gave me his go signal. Each day for four days, drink up to 1 gallon of apple juice and up to 1 gallon of distilled water. Ideally, you shouldn’t feel hungry because the apple juice will give you energy. There will be times when you want to give up, but I used the time of fast to pray and it worked well for both my body and soul as I forgot about my hunger and prayer was incredibly uplifting to my soul. Take it easy during this time and do very light work. If you have to attend to the children, you should inform them about the fast you are doing and ask that they be patient with you for a couple of days.
Drinking The Oil
On the evening of the third night when you are tired and ready for bed, drink 1/2 cup of extra virgin olive oil. Chill the oil – it tastes better cold and use a straw to sip it. It is better to not let it touch the lips to minimize the unpleasantness of the oil.

Right after taking the 1/2 cup of extra virgin olive oil, drink 1/4 cup of fresh squeezed lemon juice. Then go directly to bed and lie down on your right side with two pillows under the right hip. The pillows slant the body so that the oil will leave the stomach faster and go down into the duct area and into the gallbladder. As you rest, the oil will be saturating and cleansing the body tissues. It will feel awkward, but this is the most effective position for the oil to do its work in expelling the gallstones. You may change your position after four or five hours.
Reactions To Cleanse
At some point after drinking the oil and lemon, you might feel like vomiting or burping. Sip a little tomato juice but not more than a tablespoon of it. Hold it in your mouth and then spit it out. You may also experience nausea. Don’t worry, just imagine your stones being pushed out of your gallbladder.
Passing The Stones
On the fourth day, I actually saw 30 gallstones come out of my body. They were dark green and some were brown. Because I didn’t eat anything, only fibrous matter (probably from the apple juice), the 30 stones (which were all floating in the water) came out through my bowels. I scooped them out with a plastic fork and collected them in a container after washing them. I sent some to my doctor to examine whether they were indeed stones from the gallbladder. My doctor, having done many gallstone surgeries before, said that he was convinced they were gallstones. What a relief to actually see them come out from my body!

I slowly went back to my regular eating pattern but very gradually so as not to shock my digestive system. I started with soup, salad and then slowly, fish. I decided to alter my eating habits completely to preserve my gallbladder as I know that a bad diet can trigger pain again. I believe I still have some stones left so I am eager to try the recipe again to make sure I completely get rid of the stones. At least I get to keep my gallbladder. Try it yourself and update me on the results. All the best!
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Yaya seminar on July 5, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., G/F Avalon Condominium, Ortigas Avenue, San Juan Seminar. Fee is P1,500 (inclusive of lunch, two snacks, giveaways, handouts, certificate) Medium of instruction: Filipino. Call 435-4281/435-4301 or e-mail yayasem@businessworks.com.ph for reservations. E-mail me at: mommytalk@ businessworks.com.ph.

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