Celebrities dish out hair secrets

MANILA, Philippines - While all women face hair woes on a regular basis, each has concerns that are unique to them. While some get by with regular hair care, a targeted approach to a specific hair concern separates good-looking hair from hair that’s truly beautiful and healthy even at its most raw, bare state.

These fashion, entertainment and lifestyle personalities spill their secret to having healthy hair.

Jenni Epperson, Blogger/Stylist (for color treated-hair)
“I've always liked wearing my hair short, which I color to give it more definition. My hair is naturally black, so brown is always my go-to shade. I've been coloring my hair for years, so it's natural for my hair to lose its shine after a while."

“The KérastaseFusio Dose instantly made my dull hair radiant again. The Fusio Dose booster that's best for me is the Reflection formula, 'cause it makes my hair color last longer and brings back its vibrant shine!”


Tweetie De Leon, Model/Entrepreneur (for dull hair)

“I've been in the fashion industry for decades—I guess you can say that a huge part of my life has been shaped by my roles as a model, an actress (for a time!), a businesswoman, and an accessories designer. It's not always a glam lifestyle, but it does require changing your look from time to time—from makeup, hair color, hairstyle, not to mention the thousand looks I've tried getting made up for events and shoots."

“I liked the KérastaseFusio-Dose ritual—I felt it gave my hair a fresh start! I tried the Resistance booster, which I just need to renew my hair that has gone through so much."


Ruffa Gutierrez, Actress/Host (for thin hair)

“You could say I live a pretty fast-paced life—juggling acting and hosting duties, plus producing and shooting a reality show, all in addition to being a mom. It's exciting, but sometimes the stress can take a toll on my hair. It gets too fine and thin, which I don’t like since I like my long hair looking full and alive.

After trying it, I find that KérastaseFusio-Dose ritual does the job of treating my fine hair. The Densifique booster makes it feel and look thicker, and that’s perfect for me. Substance and volume is always a must, especially on hair like mine!”


Bea Soriano, Model/Entrepreneur (for damaged hair)

“When I'm not in the city doing shoots or running my business, I love traveling with my family and friends. You can say I've been everywhere—from extremely cold places to hot tropical countries. You won't notice it at first, but being out and about all the time and experiencing varying climates take a toll on your hair.

Since I have long hair, I really want to keep it as soft and healthy as possible, so it's manageable (and beautiful!) wherever I go. I find that the KérastaseFusio-Dose ritual is amazing for that. With the Nutritive booster, I felt my hair become healthier and more nourished. It brought my hair back to its best.”


Vania Romoff, Fashion Designer (for dry and frizzy hair)

“I love wearing my hair a certain way: thick and long, with wavy and volumized ends. I sport that look everyday—when meeting with clients, fitting for fashion shows, attending events, or just spending time with my daughter. But this look is very high maintenance—letting my hair down with the perfect volume is so hard 'cause it has the tendency to get wild, frizzy and all over the place. And that's a no-no for me—my hair always has to look put-together.

I find that the KérastaseFusio-Dose ritual can help me with that. I tried the Discipline booster, and it really lives up to its name—it disciplines my hair so it's tame and it looks polished, without constricting natural hair motion."

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