Filipino hairstylists, makeup artists shine at APHCA meet in Macau

MANILA, Philippines - Filipino hairdressers and makeup artists, representing the Filipino Hairdressers Co-op (Fil-Hair), competed at the 15th APHCA Hair and Makeup International Competition held recently at the Venetian Macau Resort Hotel in Macau.

Aimed at fostering cooperation and friendly rivalry among salon industry players in the Asia-Pacific region, the competition was participated in by over a thousand hairstylists and makeup artists from 40 countries who vied not just for the title but also the chance to win a brand-new Mercedes Benz SUV and US$5,000 in cash, among other prizes.

The Philippine team, led by top hairdresser Ricky Reyes, was composed of 39 delegates. Federico “Stefhanie” Ilagan of Quezon City bagged the first runner-up title in the bridal makeup category.

Other Philippine delegates who finished with honors are Bernie Tuano, Dadie Paule, Raquel Pangilagan, Giovannie Luague, Christopher Peñaflor, Peping de Guzman, Daniel Lois Buddy Congson (evening party makeup), Ester Garcia, Antonio Agustin (evening party hairstyle), Ronnie Rovedillo, Nitz Clidoro (ladies’ haircut) and Jayson Hisola (creative color and cut).

According to Ricky Reyes, it is always a good opportunity for local beauty experts to be exposed to international competitions because they always come home rich with experience and something new to share with Filipinos.

‘’No matter how long we have been in the industry, when we go out there to compete, we always go home with added knowledge in techniques, colors, trends and even technology. It is both a learning and a humbling experience to be pitted against the best of the best in the Asia-Pacific region,’’ says Reyes.

The Philippine delegation was feted to a merienda cena at the Philippine Consulate in Macau, headed by Consul General Renato L. Villapando and his wife Tess.

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