Estee Lauder thinks pink

Estee Lauder, a most sought-after beauty brand around the world, tells women to wear a pink ribbon, fight the ugly scourge that is breast cancer, and make a difference. Today, The Estee Lauder Companies’ breast cancer awareness campaign is stronger than ever. At the end of October 2008, the BCA campaign will have distributed more than 80 million pink ribbons and millions of informational brochures through the company’s brand counters; illuminated more than 200 global landmarks in pink lights, and raised approximately $35 million with its retail partners for research. In fact, the number of ribbons distributed since 1992 would create a bridge of pink between New York and China if stretched from end to end.

Fifteeen of The Estee Lauder Companies’ highly sought-after brands recently sold pink ribbon products to raise money for The Breast Cancer Research Foundation. These are Aveda, Bobbi Brown, Bumble and Bumble, Clinique, Darphin, Donna Karan, Estee Lauder, Jo Malone, La Mer, Lab Series Skincare for Men, Ojon, Origins, Prescriptives, Tommy Hilfiger Toiletries, and Sean John Fragrances.

Last month, the campaign unveiled a new public service announcement featuring Elizabeth Hurley, in which she urged viewers and their friends to “join us” by wearing a pink ribbon, and stressed the importance of getting an annual mammogram if over age 40 and getting regular checkups by a doctor.

In the Philippines, The Estee Lauder Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign 2008 was recently launched at Heaven on the 5th floor of Rustan’s Makati. Eight artists — Andi Cubi, Jhun Alfon, Hermes Alegre, Loreto Racuya, Ronoel Pascual, Blaine San Luis, Romino Quinto, and Jake Catha — from 318 Gallery came up with artworks depicting the beauty and power of the cancer-free woman.

Needless to say, pink was the color of the day.

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