What’s in store for you in the Year of the Fire Monkey?


(1900, 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)

MANILA, Philippines – You have a very encouraging personal luck and your vitality levels are strong. Whatever you have set to accomplish previously will get carried over to this year. Stay confident — don’t be mousy or lousy. Get out of that rathole, but watch out for who you associate or socialize with.

• Romance: A pleasant surprise awaits single Rats who will make the effort to make new friends. Couples who have been together for sometime can consider marriage. Keep cool and avoid being the nagger in the relationship. Instead, practice compromise as it’s the key to a successful relationship. There’s nothing cheesy about that — right, Rat?

Wealth: Potential is high; however, losses are seen so take extra care as to where you are investing or loaning your money.

Health: Very strong, but your busy nature will take a toll on your health. Get sufficient exercise, eat healthy food, get a good sleep.

Career: Opportunies abound to expand your business or be invited to collaborate in a new partnership. Choosing the right partner is important.

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(1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

There are forces in your chart that will test your motivation and resolve. Things could become difficult and may make you want to give up. Don’t! Continue to fight for what you believe in. It may not be in your nature to be flighty about your commitments. Look inside you and rediscover the stable and strong-willed Ox that you really are. If you stay committed, you will find success in this otherwise challenging year. And life will be A-OK for you, Ox!

Romance: A great year to find that other half you have been looking for. With the happiness star present in your chart, you can even find your love in the most unexpected places — in a foreign land perhaps!

Wealth: It’s important that you monitor what you spend — if it’s something for business, then returns are likely good. For something else, it’s money down the drain so enhance your luck instead by investing in potential benefactors and future business partners.

Health: You are prone to getting sick this year due to the presence of the malevolent misfortune star in your chart.

Career: Your plate will be very full with too many opportunities coming your way.  Chances of working abroad or being promoted are likely to happen.

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(1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)

For all ye growling Tigers, your inner vitality may be weak, but you have sufficient levels of success. Take care of your health and physical well-being, and don’t allow stress to rule when things get tough. You don’t have to solve all your problems immediately, so pace yourself. Patience and perseverance will go a long way this year.

Romance: Be careful not to fall for someone whose goal is to just give you support, but which you may mistake for serious attraction.

Wealth: Be careful with finances as the year will give you troublesome scenarios. Avoid making any major investments or affiliating with flaky deals as this could bring you legal suits or unnecessary misunderstandings and fights.

Health: Health and mental issues may bug you on a daily basis. This could be serious and lead to stress at the expense of your health. Be strong and be prepared not to let these experiences get you down.

Career: This Monkey year is your conflict year, bringing you very strong competition and challenges at work. Some things you may have worked so very hard for may not materialize, just be prepared for any eventualities.

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(1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

Auspicious stars indicate exciting events happening in your life. Changes loom ahead — they may seem challenging at first, but learn to embrace them and try to make the most of the new situations. You’ll find out that these are the best things that have happened to you in a long while. Don’t get discouraged by temporary setbacks. Instead, surround yourself with supportive people. Maintain a positive outlook and keep hopping, Rabbit — you could achieve a lot this exciting year!

Romance: It’s a rosy, 24-carrot year for either a single Rabbit or if you are dating someone. If you are planning on settling down, then this is a good time. For others, opportunities of finding new partners are just everywhere.

Wealth: Fantastic wealth luck awaits you for your career or for business opportunities. Making investments and expanding businesses are favorable. Indeed, a promising year with new pastures for Rabbits to conquer.

Health: As both wealth and romance luck promise fantastic times, your energy might be compromised. Take it easy and ensure that you give time to your health because if you overdo it, you’re prone to a heart attack or stroke.

Career: Nonstop joint venture activities and collaborations are all around you. Pick the right ones as they will surely take you to greater heights. For Rabbits who are waiting for job promotions or salary increases, this is the right time to make some follow-ups.

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(1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

Dragons will be spewing a lot of fire as this year brings so many positive indications for them it’s almost unbelievable! The Victory Star in your chart brings success in most competitive situations. Not only that — you have three more auspicious stars that indicate good fortune in the form of life-changing events. There are also many small victories on your way to enjoying the bigger blessings. All told, this year promises to be not just a successful one for Dragons but also a very fulfilling one. Enjoy your incredible luck!

Romance: Couples may face some unwelcome rumors that may challenge their relationship. But for as long as your trust and commitment to each other remain solid, nothing or nobody can break you apart. Singles may also face opposition from their families — just show your sincere intentions and you should be fine.

Wealth: As long as you are careful of where to invest and who you’re investing it with, then you are going to avoid unnecessary losses. Avoid speculative luck, such as casinos or lotteries, as your chances of winning at this time are low.

Health: Your relationship and wealth luck issues may suffer some setbacks that could eventually affect your health. You must take control and train yourself not to be affected by what might happen in your life lest you suffer a mental breakdown.

Career: If you are longing for a promotion or salary increase, it’s unfortunately very unlikely to come in time. If you are in business and affected by poor sales, things should improve in time.

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(1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

The presence of your astrological allies — the Monkey, Dragon, and Rooster — has positive indications for you.  So, there’s nothing to hiss about, Snake! You stand to benefit from the events that will come your way, such that even hopeless situations become wonderful opportunities. Your life force and spirit are both strong, plus you get a visit from the Victory Star. Expect a series of small successes to lead to something bigger and more exciting.

Romance: Wedding bells are ringing for those who have been dating for a long time. Starting a family would be a fantastic match to your growing wealth.

Wealth: A fantastic time for wealth and good fortune! You will be oozing with confidence and imagination that could bring a lot of business deals and anticipated income. Ensure to manage your finances and do not squander your money away.

Health: As your chart has the risk of the Robbery Star, ensure that your surroundings are safe to avoid risks, including bodily injury. You may experience good health, but too many things happening may cause your blood pressure to rise.

Career: If you are a business owner, it will be a great time for your business. Ensure, however, that you reward and show your appreciation to your team. A promotion or salary increase will be a great incentive for them.

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(1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

Your natural confidence will get a boost, and everything you get involved in will be infused with positivity. Heaven Luck will be the invisible hand that will guide you to make all the right decisions. Even if you meet obstacles along the way, do not go against the natural order of things. Hold your horses — treat these roadblocks as a sign to look for a better way. Because you are feeling mentally strong, these problems will be easy to overcome.

Romance: It is best for partners to extend as much understanding and support to each other as very petty issues can create big fights. Singles are not advised to be serious with finding that someone special, as anything started now may only be temporary.

Wealth: This is one of those periods when you have to be cautious with your resources as your wealth luck is quite poor. This is not a good time for you to make major investments or business deals. Stay low-profile.

Health: Health is wealth and by lessening your workload, you will truly be doing yourself a huge favor. This is quite a year for you in terms of health issues and injuries so make sure you take things slowly and with great caution.

Career: It’s an amazingly beautiful year for Horses! Saddle up and ride high — your career opportunities can take you to different overseas conventions and conferences. The more you travel, the more you forget about the other woes plaguing you at this time.

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(1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

Opportunies will come thick and fast, but if you don’t grab them fast enough, they might not last long. So, don’t be so meek, Sheep! Think and act on your feet because there will be pressures from competition. If you are aiming for a big prize, you need to be cautious. Instead of taking time and thinking long about other options, remember that you have the Current Prosperity Star in your chart, meaning success will be yours for the picking in the short rather than long term.

Romance: In the love department, singles will never run out of choices! Be sure to connect with someone you feel is the right partner for you in the long term. For those wanting to get married or have a baby, this is the perfect time. Couples celebrating a significant milestone in their lives may also consider renewing their vows.

Wealth: You are blessed with a windfall luck and opportunity for long-term investments. Utilize your interpersonal skills to balance out relationship energies when dealing with your colleagues or business partners. Stay calm and put your feet firmly on the ground.

Health: Health issues are quite stressful for you. While you don’t mind working long hours, relationship issues with co-workers can affect you mentally and physically.

Career: Your career luck looks promising! Your hard work pays off. Something that you have been longing for for a long time will happen — it could be a breakthrough, perhaps another improvement in your business or career. Someone from the opposite gender may be instrumental in making this happen.

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(1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

Fabulous luck indications include the support of the Tai Sui or the god of the year. The Prosperity Star also brings potential wealth and abundance in everything you do. You could also experience a spiritual awakening of some kind, making you realize there’s more to life than what you have always thought. Best of all, there are signs that one big deal will come your way. Be alert to spot this opportunity and don’t let it pass you by. No monkey business now, all ye Monkeys!

Romance: You are too busy making money or growing your business to be thinking about love or marriage at this time. But if you leave your partner or family behind and have no time for relationships, this could lead to arguments. So, to avoid issues with your loved ones, make time for them and keep cool.

Wealth: Fancy having the Wealth and Prosperity Star 8 during this time, which is also your Year of the Monkey. A promising year for you, and working hard may bring that one big break for you.

Health: Beware of risks of accidents or minor injuries due to your harsh or fast judgments on the road. Keep calm because in addition to these risks, you may have some annoyances regarding health problems. Your well-being is important — needless to say, all this good luck will not materialize if you are in a hospital bed! Be healthy!

Career: If you are considering new ventures or movements in your work that may result in you signing agreements, make sure you read the fine print fully — if not, something may crop up and it will be too late for you to get out. If you are a business person, cash flow issues may arise so stay composed and concentrate on working with your employees to smooth things out.

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(1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)

The element luck chart shows average readings; still, you have a lot to crow about, Rooster, and look forward to this year. If you can just hold on to your dreams, you may see impressive results. You will have to work hard, but there will be excitement as you go along because the rush of ambition will engulf you. Make sure you do not get sidetracked by the humdrum of everyday living. And another reason not to despair: The feng shui winds bring luck in love.

Romance: Fantastic opportunities in the love department. Do not hold off or delay expressing your feelings to someone you love. For couples who have been contemplating getting married, this is the year to plan and make it happen.

Wealth: Money comes, money goes — this is how your finances will look like if you’re not careful. Although returns on your investments may bring you some profit, lean on senior mentors to guide you on your finances; otherwise, you may face cash flow challenges. Saving for rainy days is important.

Health: From the illness hiccups last year, you will be happy to know that your health is so much better this year. Live a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly to maintain great health. You will be amazed at what a healthy mind and body can do in achieving the many goals you have set in your life.

Career: Many positive opportunities may come your way, which will give you much reward and happiness. Work promotion and salary increase can be achieved.

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(1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)

The auspicious stars are coming from the direction of the Rooster and the Boar — your allies who could wield important influence on your luck this year. There are good indications that spell a promising year. You need to be careful with the Quarrelsome Star that has landed in your chart. Control your temper if some people rub you off the wrong way. Don’t bite (but you may bark if you like) if you are provoked into a fight. It will only ruin things for you.

Romance: It could be a challenging time for affairs of the heart at this time. There will be frustration and despair. Be more patient and forgiving towards your partner as even a minor conflict could be blown out of proportion and could throw away all those precious and happy times you had together. To someone who is not looking for love yet, if it does come along, you may be preoccupied to entertain this for now.

Wealth: Diversification is the key word for you this year, so do not put all your bets in one basket. Making a careful assessment of potential collaborations or business deals is a must as some are just too good to be true. Your personal judgment may be marred with confusion brought about by the not-so-positive star visiting you this year. If pays to listen to someone’s opinion, no matter how experienced you think you are.

Health: Don’t think that your wealth and relationship challenges do not take a toll on your physical health as well as your feelings. As you are also visited by the so-called Mourning Star, please be alert. If someone in the family is ill or has been suffering from an illness, it is extremely important to have him/her medically checked and properly cared for.

Career. Despite the potential hurdles this year, you have such a great reputation for being so reliable and professional that your business colleagues and partners will rely on your decisions and corporate judgment. You may also want to refocus your energies on reviewing regulations within your operations as well as retraining your people to work in the most effective way by separating work and personal issues.

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(1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)

Excellent elements spell an incredibly lucky year for you. There’s a lot to be happy about as great opportunities fall into your lap and auspicious stars ensure that your path to success will be a joyful and fulfilling one. Although the Quarrelsome Star could bring negativity in some forms at certain times during the year, your amiable nature will carry you through. Keep your cool; do not give way to temporary feelings of gloom. All in all, it won’t be a boring year for the Boar!

Romance: Many potential lovers are coming your way, but none of them are meant to last long. If you are persistent, you will meet the right person when the time is right. Couples may be challenged with several issues and misunderstandings that could bring disharmony into the relationship. Stay committed to the relationship by remaining faithful and tolerant.

Wealth: Your positive windfall luck will still continue to bring you a stable income. However, you must control your emotions and not flaunt your wealth, which may attract possible robbers/thieves to your direction. Keep a low profile.

Health: Health issues may bug you, and at the onset of any unusual bodily feeling, immediately have a checkup and make sure all tests are covered. Constant pressures and stress may affect your health. Your chart also suggests that life-threatening illness may be forthcoming, possibly brought about by issues like family disharmony and legal problems, which can also lead to mental breakdown.

Career: Despite all these hurdles, business owners can look forward to positive progress with their businesses. If it’s a family-run business managed by family members, be careful that any disagreements do not turn ugly.

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For comments/inquiries, email Ilovefrigga@gmail.com or visit www.frigga.co.uk, www.wealthluck.com. Follow Ms. Allen on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (Marites Allen).

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