And they all shine!

The velada is a unique, time-honored and cherished Assumption tradition. Yearly, it welcomes back all the high school alumnae into one joyous homecoming celebration. It reminds us that Assumption is not just a school we attended but it is also our home; it is also our family.

This year’s velada was hosted by the Silver Jubilarians of AC High School Batch 1987. With them in making this year’s homecoming were participants from the Milestone batches.

In a stunning display of grace and rhythm, the Pearls (Class of 1982) danced their way into our hearts as they dedicated their dance to two batch mates diagnosed with cancer and one dearly beloved who passed on too early. The Rubies (Class of 1972) showed their strength not just in number but in a powerful performance of song and dance by beautiful women in red. The Jades (Class of 1977), Sapphires (Class of 1967), Emeralds (Class of 1957) and Gold Jubilarians (Class of 1962) sparkled ever so brightly in a memorable medley of dances. The Diamond Jubilarians (Class of 1952) brought the house down and received a standing ovation for showing everyone how timeless and precious they truly are.

Oh, shine they did at the velada!

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And since it’s the bazaar season, please do a feel-good shopping at the Assumption Annual Bazaar on Nov. 18 and 25 at the Hotel InterContinental in Makati. Proceeds of the bazaar will help the Assumption mission schools. For more information, call 894-3561 or 894-3580.) Photos by Philip Sison and Lisa Uy



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