Under siege no more

Since I started doing my beauty column, I have received countless e-mails all having the same question — How to get flawless underarms?

After years and years of trying to find the right and “safe” answer to this question, finally, I have an answer to your e-mails.

The most common problems are dark underarms and the dreaded “chicken skin.” The reason why most women have dark underarms is because of the shadow that is left after shaving. The roots of the hair, especially if the hair is thick, is left under your skin, thus creating that shadow. Most women are lucky because their hair strands are very thick so shaving is enough for them.

Another reason why some women have dark underarms is because of the kind of deodorant that they use. Some formulations are strong, making your underarms dark. If you have resorted to waxing and find that after a few days of waxing, you discover a “pimple-like” lump making your underarms look like the skin of a chicken, that is really not a “pimple.” That is actually hair growing inside the pore. Once you try to squeeze it, you will see the hair follicle. But after squeezing it, of course the skin will bruise making your underarms look “dirty.” It is very unsightly and wearing sleeveless tops is totally out of the question.

One solution is getting a hair-removal laser treatment. This is not for everyone, though. It is completely up to your own personal discretion if you would like to continue doing this procedure because some have been “injured” due to  this (as you might have seen in the news a few years back). So it is best to make sure you ask hundreds of times and research it yourself before doing any kind of procedure.

“The laser targets the hair which is in its growth phase, and as hair goes through cycles, multiple sessions may be needed to remove all hair permanently,” according to the hairremovaljournal.org. You will have to do this procedure a few times to permanently remove hair from your underarms. So tolerance for pain is something to consider. It will be very uncomfortable especially on your first procedure. Personally, I think that if you complain, it is to your advantage because it lessens the chance of you getting “burned.” My best friend got “burned” from doing this procedure when she was getting her legs lasered. So you really have to think thousands of times first before you do this.

If you do decide to get this type of hair removal, make sure your doctor is also the technician. If it hurts, complain to the doctor and tell him you’ll continue the procedure on your next session. This way, the chances of you getting “burned” is less.

Another thing to consider is the price. It is a bit costly because it takes at least four visits to completely remove the hair. Plus, there are touch-ups every month depending on the type of hair you have. Another disadvantage is the after effect of getting a laser treatment. Your underarms become sweaty. So it is really something to consider and weigh the pros and cons of having this procedure done.

Beauty can be pricey, right? But based on my personal experience, it’s worth it.

Get the look:

1. Cleanse. Tone. Moisturize if needed.

2. Groom eyebrows.

3. Even out skin tone with miracle touch foundation.

4. Set with loose powder.

5. Line upper lash line with dark brown eye pencil.

6. Line lower lash line with blue eye pencil.

7. Curl lashes and apply masterpiece mascara.

8. Apply peach blush.

9. Finish with peach brandy lip color.

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