TikTok shuts down Quiboloy’s page

Apollo Quiboloy, head of "the Kingdom of Jesus Christ," a non-Catholic religious group and spiritual adviser of president-elect Rodrigo Duterte, speaks during a press conference in Davao City in southern island of Mindanao on May 23, 2016.
AFP / Manman Dejeto

MANILA, Philippines —  Short video platform TikTok yesterday confirmed that it has taken down the account of religious leader Apollo Quiboloy, who is on the most wanted list of the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) over sex trafficking charges.

“We have banned Pastor Apollo Quiboloy’s account in accordance with our Community Guidelines,” TikTok said in an official statement sent to The STAR.

The company did not disclose the specific provision of its community guidelines that resulted in the ban.

Before it was removed, Quiboloy’s TikTok page (@pastor_acq) had almost 26,000 followers, with his videos getting more than 237,000 likes.

The removal of Quiboloy’s TikTok account was first confirmed by Twitter user @DuterteWatchdog, who formally asked various social media platforms to permanently remove the pastor’s accounts, given his pending cases.

In an exchange with The STAR, @DuterteWatchdog (DW) said TikTok initially sent an automated response that directed to a feedback form.

Upon sending a query using the form, DW received a message saying that the information reported has been forwarded to TikTok’s trust and safety team for further review and appropriate response.

“Please note, while we will ensure to conduct a review of the content or account listed, it is prudent to report any matters impacting the well-being of an individual to the authorities for investigation and follow-up,” read TikTok’s response.

“We strongly encourage you to ensure local authorities are contacted, or a tip is submitted to law enforcement as the first step to securing the physical and psychological safety and welfare of our users,” it added.

The other platforms that DW reached out to, including Facebook, Instagram and Spotify, have yet to respond.

Last month, Quiboloy’s YouTube channel was also terminated after Twitter user @OrdinaryGamers pointed out his pending cases in the United States.

YouTube said Quiboloy’s channel was in violation of its community guidelines.

Other YouTube channels that feature Quiboloy, particularly those managed by his media network SMNI and his Kingdom of Jesus Christ church, remain accessible.

Quiboloy, along with two other members of his church, was placed under the FBI’s most wanted list in 2022 after they were indicted for labor trafficking a few months earlier.

The religious leader was also indicted by a US federal grand jury for conspiracy to engage in sex trafficking by force, fraud and coercion, sex trafficking of children, conspiracy and bulk cash smuggling. His camp denied the allegations.

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