Cebu bakuna perks: Dine-in, grooming

The easing of restrictions for vaccinated individuals is contained in Executive Order No. 138 dated Sept. 2 issued by acting Mayor Michael Rama.
AFP / Kena Betancur

MANILA, Philippines — Individuals already vaccinated against COVID-19 are allowed greater mobility for leisure and entertainment in Cebu City, and can  avail themselves of personal grooming services and dining in at restaurants.

The easing of restrictions for vaccinated individuals is contained in Executive Order No. 138 dated Sept. 2 issued by acting Mayor Michael Rama.

The same order extended the modified enhanced community quarantine (MECQ) status in the city until Sept. 7.

In an interview over radio dzBB yesterday, Rama said even those who have at least one dose of COVID-19 jab are entitled to the incentive. “Basta provided whoever will be vaccinated,” he said.

Based on the EO, food establishments such as restaurants, commissaries and eateries are allowed to operate outdoor or al fresco dining at 50 percent capacity.

“Indoor dine-in services, though allowed, is limited at 10 percent and for COVID-19 vaccinated customers only,” Rama said.

Vaccinated persons are also allowed in beauty salons, barbershops, beauty parlors and spas in Cebu.

Presidential adviser for entrepreneurship and Go Negosyo founder Joey Concepcion said yesterday he is hopeful the National Capital Region (NCR) can start the implementation of the proposed “bakuna bubble,” citing Cebu City as model.

In an online meeting with Rama, Concepcion said Cebu City’s move to implement a bakuna bubble shows the concept makes sense.

“Definitely with Cebu starting it, Cebu basically will be a proof of concept. The alternative is going to be sad. What is our alternative? If anybody can come up with a much better idea, definitely let’s listen to it,” he said.

“I’m glad Cebu is going to start doing it. And that is what we need to do,” Concepcion said.

He has proposed the bakuna bubble in local government units with high vaccination rates in NCR, before expanding it to the whole region.

Under his proposal, vaccinated individuals would be able to enter and access services from restaurants, salons and gyms upon presentation of their vaccine cards.

The unvaccinated would also be allowed to enter these establishments on the condition they show a negative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction or antigen test.

As businesses continue to incur losses amid the pandemic, Concepcion sees allowing the vaccinated greater mobility as a way to help spur economic activity.

“We have to use the vaccinated to drive the economy. We have to reopen the economy and do away with endless reimposition of lockdowns. With that calculated risk, it is very clear that we can move forward at the very least. We have to stand up in this pandemic and (minimize) the damage from the Delta variant,” Concepcion said.

For his part, Rama said Cebu City’s move is intended to support both health and economy.

“This is a paradigm shift. We want to move heaven and earth to have these people get vaccinated. This is our way to do so and protect my constituents,” he said.

Cebu City councilor Joel Garganera said the city is targeting to vaccinate around 700,000 individuals and so far, 27 percent have been fully vaccinated, while 42 percent have received the first dose.

Rama said the percentage of those vaccinated would increase if more vaccine doses become available.

He also said the move is a call for other cities and municipalities across the country to implement the same in their respective areas.

Most of those hospitalized for COVID-19 in Cebu City as well as in Metro Manila are the unvaccinated.

“That is why we are implementing this. We also want to protect them. We have to realize that the general welfare of the people is the supreme law,” Rama said.

Concepcion emphasized his proposal to restrict the mobility of the unvaccinated is for the common good.

“We have to err on the side of caution. This is not a discrimination issue, but a health issue. That’s what we all have to realize. We have to protect the unvaccinated, while also considering the economy. This is the best way forward,” he said.

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