Public warned of candy in condom packaging

Candy in condom packs, which the Food and Drug Advisory is warning the public against buying.
Edd Gumban/ File

MANILA, Philippines — The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned the public against a candy brand that uses condom foil wrapper as packaging.

In an advisory issued yesterday, the FDA identified the brand as Dipsy Cornpop Lollipop, which comes in blue and red variants, manufactured by MM Lucky Multisales Corp.

“The public is advised against purchasing and consuming this product as it may pose risk to one’s health,” the FDA said.

This developed as the world observed International Condom Day yesterday.

The World Health Organization (WHO) said condom is used to prevent unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease (STD).

WHO said non-lubricated condoms increase the risk of STDs as these are likely to tear.

The FDA said the lollipops are wrapped in the foil packaging of Duren condom.

The FDA warned all establishments against distributing or selling the product until they secure the appropriate authorization or a license to operate, and a certificate of product registration is issued.

The FDA said it would investigate the unauthorized use of condom foil wrapper in food packaging. It ordered the manufacturer to recall the product from the market.

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