Defense chief: No ceasefire in Zamboanga

Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin

MANILA, Philippines - "There is no ceasefire."

Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin on Saturday said that the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) members holed up in at least five villages in Zamboanga City continued to firing at government troops overnight.

"Right now there is still fighting going on, so there is no ceasefire. That means the other side is not keeping its end of the bargain," Gazmin said in a radio interview.

(Related story) Gov't, MNLF OK ceasefire

The defense chief said that the ceasefire that Vice President Jejomar Binay announced will not take effect if the MNLF would continue firing at the soldiers securing the besieged city.

Binay announced Friday night that the ceasefire would take effect at midnight.

The Vice President said that he talked to Nur Misuari and the MNLF leader agreed to a ceasefire.

Gazmin, for his part, said that the Vice President also called him up on Friday night and asked if he would have no objections to a ceasefire.

"I told Binay all of us want peace. He said he can talk to Misuari. I said government troops will stop firing only if the MNLF stops firing," he said.

Defend your communities

Meanwhile, Zamboanga City Mayor Isabelle Climaco-Salazar ordered all barangay officials to help the military and policemen defend their communities from the MNLF rebels.

"To all barangay officials, help defend your communities and coordinate with police, military. Set-up early warning system and report sightings," the lady mayor said on her Twitter account.

The mayor said that they are hoping the standoff in the city would already cease during the weekend.

He asked the national goverment to arrest all of the MNLF rebels involved in the siege, including their leaders.

On Friday, the city government ordered forced evacuation in five villages affected by the standoff, including Rio HOndo, Sta. Barbara, Sta. Catalina, Mampang and Talon-Talon.

The city government said that at least 24,000 people have been displaced by the standoff.

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