FDA gives tips to avoid food ‘intoxification’ from canned goods

MANILA, Philippines -The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) yesterday issued tips on how consumers could avoid possible food “intoxication” from eating canned foods.

In an advisory, the FDA noted that preserved food products are “hermetically sealed” to maintain the integrity of the food inside by sealing off the flow of air that may react with the food.

“Such anaerobic condition does not favor the growth of most microorganisms that cause spoilage of food,” the FDA said. Aluminum cans or metal foils are usually used in this packaging.

But if there is food “intoxication and food spoilage” from eating canned foods, this is entirely due to the “action of bacteria that have gained entrance inside or remained viable inside after an improper sterilization process despite the anaerobic condition,” the FDA explained.

“It is possible for consumers to detect food spoilage which can lead to food intoxication by closely observing the integrity of the can. Never buy canned goods with dents, especially if found in the seams of the can,” the FDA added.

The FDA also warned that “bulging ends” of cans mean that there is a leak in the can or bacteria have colonized inside and produce gases as byproduct.

“Dented or damaged canned goods can produce pinhole-size openings which may not be obvious to the consumers,” the agency noted. A single pinhole-size opening could allow the bacteria “to enter, grow and spoil the food inside and may produce toxins.”

A dirty label, on the other hand, is an indicator of possible leak of food contents while rust in canned good is a sign of “improper storage and handling of food products which may affect the integrity of sealed products.”

“These are all strong indications of food spoilage which can cause food intoxication or food-borne diarrhea. All consumers are advised to be more vigilant by closely examining the canned food products for signs of food spoilage before buying them,” the FDA added.


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